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Old 17 June 2016, 13:47   #1
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Upgrading from an Aerotec 380?

Hi guys.

I currently have an Aerotec 380 and cant explain enough how much I love it. Easy assembly, launching and have been through some serious rough stuff with it and the Aerotec handles it with ease. To me at least I think its the ultimate sib.

But... I use it mostly for fishing with 2 or 3 up (wife and daughter or a mate) and it's getting cramped. I mostly lure fish and sitting positions etc is difficult and require some high level ninja skills moving around the boat. While I love the deep floor its a right pain for storing stuff even tho we travel fairly light in terms of gear. Bass spines and lure hooks is also not very floor friendly although I know I can put a pvc sheet over it for protection.

I need a bigger boat so little more room for gear that dont just end up in the middle where my feet is suppose to go and want a solid floor. I am fully aware of the extra weight, assembly etc of alu floors but for fishing it makes a huge difference.

Where do I go from here? I was going to buy a hard boat which will be much better for my application however I dont want to be restricted to tides.

The majority of launches is from either slip or fairly accessible sand beaches. We really dont mind struggling a little bit more launching and recovery as its part of the package.

I am leaning towards a Zodiac Classic Mc II with Alu floor. I know this should really be trailered and i have a trailer but prefer packing up due to storage, transport is not an issue.

I have a 25hp yam 2 stroke on the Aerotec and want to keep it so am limited to other sibs with short shaft transoms. The honvawe is another option thats very good value for money but really dont like it at all.

Anyone with zodiac classic 420, any opinions etc welcomed or any other recommendations?

Also whats the latest with Zodiac availability etc, I know they had some issues earlier?

Any advice will be greatly appreciated and I realise this question have probably done to death, sorry!
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Old 17 June 2016, 14:11   #2
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Hope Chris, can't comment on the zodiac but was wondering what you don't like about the alloy honwave? I've got one and I think it's great - and at a grand I think it's really good value

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Old 17 June 2016, 14:22   #3
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A MkII should do what you want, although a Futura should outperform the classic version. Make sure you don't inadvertently buy a MkIIc by mistake because that's smaller!

Other options might be a Bombard Commando C4, or if you're happy for something older then an Avon S400 is a lot of boat and goes well with a 25 (I think it's still a short shaft but worth checking).
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Old 17 June 2016, 14:42   #4
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It's not a bad dilemma to have. Apart from the weight and extended set up time there are much fewer compromises with solid floor SIBs.

If I was going solid floor then I'd go for a nice classic Avon or Zodiac in Hypalon. So many Avons' around and considering the remarkable quality you can't go wrong.

Said the man who just bought a Y Class.

If new then the Classic is a great choice or as JK says stick with Bombard.

I won't argue that (given all general SIB-important factors) the Aerotec is the 'ultimate' all-round SIB and I would not sell the Aerotec just in case...
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Old 17 June 2016, 14:42   #5
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Duggie - I know the Honwave is very good value for money, and will consider them before I make my final decision. I never liked the inflatable tabs on the transom, messes with the wheels and transducer installation but its a good choice boat for sure.

John - Thanks, I know the futura is a step up but the extra cost and repowering with a long shaft outboard might be too much.

Anyone have experience with both the Honwave vs Zodiac Mk II classic when it gets a bit choppy. Feedback appreciated!

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Old 17 June 2016, 14:44   #6
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Thanks Max, I'll be half tempted to keep the aerotec but downsize from a 25.
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Old 17 June 2016, 14:44   #7
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The inflatable tabs are just on the air floors i think. The alloy floors don't have them.
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Old 17 June 2016, 14:45   #8
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I predict you will last 1 season of packing and unpacking an Ali floor before it either goes on a trailer or gets upgraded. I'm not sure I followed why a hardboat is more tide restricted?
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Old 17 June 2016, 14:49   #9
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Originally Posted by Poly View Post
I predict you will last 1 season of packing and unpacking an Ali floor before it either goes on a trailer or gets upgraded. I'm not sure I followed why a hardboat is more tide restricted?
Poly is likely to be proved right there.

But, not sure if you saw this I posted on the 'SIBs on eBay' topic but this could be the ultimate hardcore fishing SIB, definitely needs a big trailer though.

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Old 17 June 2016, 14:54   #10
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Hi Poly - The area I launch from mostly are tidal and the channel dries up. Can only launch and recover hard boats 2 hours either side of high water. At least with a sib I can launch any state of the tide so more fishing time and also at times have access to a quad bike and can easily launch and recover from the beach that way, no way can we pull a hard boat up the beach with a quad.

Thanks Duggie, will check it out.
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Old 17 June 2016, 14:56   #11
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Thats a serious inflatable there Max... Can I ask what hypalon Zodiacs you referred to earlier
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Old 17 June 2016, 15:02   #12
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Like the Avons they would be older models (classic wooden floor era).
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Old 17 June 2016, 15:07   #13
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Upgrading from an Aerotec 380?

If you need to go big, and don't mind the weight and assembly perhaps consider the Honwave T40-AE. Loads of room, alloy floor/no tabs, takes up to 30hp and all for under £1000
Bigger budget, less weight, flat deck, simple quick assembly and three times the price....F-rib 375.
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Old 17 June 2016, 15:10   #14
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Originally Posted by Chris A View Post
Hi Poly - The area I launch from mostly are tidal and the channel dries up. Can only launch and recover hard boats 2 hours either side of high water. At least with a sib I can launch any state of the tide so more fishing time and also at times have access to a quad bike and can easily launch and recover from the beach that way, no way can we pull a hard boat up the beach with a quad.
I guess that depends on the hardboat (and quad). A big sib might be heavier than you think... Aluminium boats are surprisingly light.
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Old 17 June 2016, 15:13   #15
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Chris the hard floor Honwaves don't have the trim tabs and having owned a 3.5m version would say the 4m should suit all your needs. If you are comparing like for like new you can buy three Honwaves for the price of a Zodiac Classic... and there are a few question marks at the moment over the quality of post-buyout Zodiacs as supplied in the UK.

As Chipko says the T40AE deserves serious consideration.
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Old 17 June 2016, 15:34   #16
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How about accepting that you need a trailer and going for a lightweight 4m aluminium RIB from Ribeye or Highfield?

I reckon you could still launch these with transom wheels, or alternatively go for a combi trailer like the dinghy sailors use and hand launch off a trolley.
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Old 17 June 2016, 15:36   #17
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Poly, the quad pulling power is not the issue but its steep soft sand, just about get a smaller orkney up. If I go hard boat I want 16ft at least and no way that will pull it up and also dont want to rely on that means. With a hard boat high free board is a must as lure fishing we like to stand. With inflatables the tubes have so much stability compared to much bigger hard boat hence I am toying with the idea of a bigger inflatable. We also mostly go for the weekend so only setting up etc once for two days of fun, but valid points, thanks.

Fenlander - I will have a serious look at the 4m Honwave, sounds like a good option money wise and no trim tabs. How would you compare performance over the zodiac, sorry havent been on a honwave so have no experience on them.
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Old 17 June 2016, 15:39   #18
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John, a small rib will be ideal if transom steered, console take too much space. What sort of weight are we talking on a small rib?
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Old 17 June 2016, 16:03   #19
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Originally Posted by Chris A View Post
John, a small rib will be ideal if transom steered, console take too much space. What sort of weight are we talking on a small rib?
What about something like the Whaly 435 then (I've never seen one in person)? (I'm discounting the Funyak 390 as being not much of an upgrade size wise - although its "side seats" might seem to give more room). RIB/SIB like stability. RIBlike handling/performance. 100% hook proof.

If its all about weight then the Ribeye TS400 will take some beating, for an actual RIB (76kg boat only).
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Old 17 June 2016, 17:09   #20
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>>>Fenlander - I will have a serious look at the 4m Honwave, sounds like a good option money wise and no trim tabs. How would you compare performance over the zodiac, sorry havent been on a honwave so have no experience on them.

Chris I can't give you a side by side comparison but from my experience and what others say you can broadly divide the performance/handling/abilities of SIBs into groups.

V floor such as Aerotec & Honwave air floor.

Futura with speed tubes.

Flat air floor models with inflatable keels.

Hard floor with inflatable keels.

Soft or slat floor tenders with no keel.

Within each group the different makes/models have very similar characteristics so I'd expect the Zodiac Classic and Honwave alloy floor models to be little different... with engine size, load carried and sea state being bigger influences than any small differences in design.
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