10 April 2016, 17:01
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I have always thought the TYPHOON ROCK BOOTS look good for boating but never got round to getting any!
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10 April 2016, 17:06
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Originally Posted by Nick Hearne
I have always thought the TYPHOON ROCK BOOTS look good for boating but never got round to getting any!
I used the same but I just wear crocs now, I found the Rock Boots held a lot of water, coupled with latex socks on my dry suit my feet were always freezing.
The crocs let the water out and my feet stay warm.
There is a place on this planet for all of Gods creatures.........right next to my tatties and gravy.
10 April 2016, 17:16
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Originally Posted by A1an
I used the same but I just wear crocs now, I found the Rock Boots held a lot of water, coupled with latex socks on my dry suit my feet were always freezing.
The crocs let the water out and my feet stay warm.
I will stick to the Crocs too then
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10 April 2016, 17:20
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10 April 2016, 17:52
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We do a lot of dinghy sailing and the Gul dinghy boots are good value for the money and hold up well to lots of use.
What is well worth the money for the extra comfort/warmth is the thin socks designed to go over drysuit latex feet, put them on your bare feet .
They keep your feet warm and make taking the boots on and off easier.
10 April 2016, 23:02
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Any of the hard sole types beat the standard wetsuit bootees hands down, particulararly when there's shingle etc to walk on.
I use the Typhoon Rock Boots, but there's others out there.
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11 April 2016, 09:30
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+ 1 for Rock Boots.
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11 April 2016, 14:27
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So you have the rock boots with socks attached or without and separate socks?
I was told to get them
Without socks and drill the sole to allow them To Drain then use separate socks
11 April 2016, 15:15
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I keep the socks in and definitely don't drill any holes they are a pain in the arse to get on and off but I find they work well with drysuit latex boots and just with bare feet and shorts in the summer. Good all round solid soled boot imho. 👍
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12 April 2016, 12:06
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Thanks all for the advice... in the end I styled myself after Bombardc2 with the Gull 5mm All Purpose Dinghy boots https://www.wetsuitoutlet.co.uk/2016...6-p-15331.html and they arrived today.
With my true shoe size of 9.5 it was good advice to go down to a 9 and these are snug but not tight.... actually I'm quite enjoying their feel around the house... is that wrong?
Hopefully they'll see proper action as soon as tide and weather plus a free day coincide.
12 April 2016, 15:02
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Originally Posted by Fenlander
With my true shoe size of 9.5 it was good advice to go down to a 9 and these are snug but not tight.... actually I'm quite enjoying their feel around the house... is that wrong?
I guess that's all down to what Mrs Fenlander says
12 April 2016, 22:54
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mine are probably as old as Polys and have dragged my old laser over lots of rocky beaches etc .....
problem is they are so old I doubt they are even made any more so can't give you a recommendation!
As a curveball I always wear mine with thin socks to prevent blisters. Thick socks kind of negates the warmth thing, thin allows that to work the way it was designed. Much the same way most wear something under a wetsuit....unless I am now preaching 10YO info?
And yes, once on and wet you don't notice the water....until the following morning when you try to put them back on!  (although that may just be a hazard of a 2 day laser traveller when you are sleeping in a tent!)
If you have the luxury of a hot shower - stick them under it to get warm water in before you hit the cold brine.....
13 April 2016, 14:21
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Like I said earlier, I have the gul ones, and they are ideal for what you want.
I honestly forgot all about these, that I bought a few months ago, to use with my drysuit, and must say, they are just as good, if not better, as they are easier to get on and off.
SEAC - DRY SUIT ROCK BOOTS Ideal for Scuba Dive Kayak Canoe Sailing Coasteering | eBay
25 April 2016, 17:45
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Just had an email......
quite cheap for anybody wanting a pair.!
03 May 2016, 12:00
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03 May 2016, 19:51
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Originally Posted by psycho
I have these use with my peak storm dry pants . a thick pair of work socks and joggies inside the peak storms these on top and warm as toast
03 May 2016, 22:10
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I use wetsuit boots for diving, truthfully can't wait to get them off as your feet become sweaty and uncomfortable very quickly. Any water that gets in my Henderson ultra dry boots soon warms up and keeps your feet wet all the time you wear them. So your feet look like you've been in a hot bath all day, this becomes very itchy from saltwater.
My advice is keep your feet dry with foot ware that allowa your feet to breath. Wetsuits boots aren't as warm as people imagine.
03 May 2016, 23:43
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I managed to snag a military issue pair of Northern Diver Rock Swim Boots.
They seem like a great boot, I've not worn them in anger yet though.
They are bloody snug for their size though!
Wearable over bare feet but if I wanted to wear a pair of warm socks under dry trousers with fitted socks and then the boots on top I'd be in pain (if I could even get them on). Given the option I'd have definitely chosen a size or size and a half larger.
Hopefully with their inbuilt neoprene bootie they should be warm even in bare feet. However, putting them on over bare feet is a challenge in itself!!
I'd love to know if there's a trick to it.
04 May 2016, 08:24
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Originally Posted by jonp
I use wetsuit boots for diving, truthfully can't wait to get them off as your feet become sweaty
Wetsuits boots aren't as warm as people imagine.
Says the man from Aus
04 May 2016, 08:44
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Originally Posted by WDI
I managed to snag a military issue pair of Northern Diver Rock Swim Boots.
They seem like a great boot, I've not worn them in anger yet though.
They are bloody snug for their size though!
Wearable over bare feet but if I wanted to wear a pair of warm socks under dry trousers with fitted socks and then the boots on top I'd be in pain (if I could even get them on). Given the option I'd have definitely chosen a size or size and a half larger.
Hopefully with their inbuilt neoprene bootie they should be warm even in bare feet. However, putting them on over bare feet is a challenge in itself!!
I'd love to know if there's a trick to it.
I use these in my Warmers version of these, I use them it wetsuit boots too as it helps with warmth and rubbing - https://www.wetsuitoutlet.co.uk/2015...10-p-4177.html
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