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Old 31 May 2020, 12:48   #1
Country: USA
Town: North Carolina
Boat name: Need to decide lol
Make: Saturn
Length: 3m +
Engine: Yamaha 6hp
Join Date: May 2020
Posts: 5
What do you bring on your SIB? New to this

Hello all. I wanted a cheap way to see if boating is something the wife and I enjoy and want to invest more in. I just purchased an 11 foot Saturn (the Triton version with heat welded seems and some other upgrades that I have no clue what they are) and got a 6hp 2017 Yamaha from someone I know for a great deal. My wife is barely 100 pounds so hopefully it moves us along decently. We want to go fishing and just roam around a few lakes in the area. We haven't gone out on it yet but I was curious what everyone brings as far as parts or emergency things in case something broke down or anything? I didn't see a whole lot about it but wanted to make sure I'm not forgetting anything when I go out that I should be bringing. I'm sure I'll have additional questions on this outboard but I'm reading the manual before I start asking too many questions
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Old 31 May 2020, 13:07   #2
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There’s a thread on this topic if you search it has detailed answers from experienced people...
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Old 31 May 2020, 13:11   #3
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Hi GB and welcome to the forum. There may be slightly different ideas in the USA but my (rather large) kit list is on this thread in posts #147 to #152...

Lots of other ideas too if you look at the whole thread.
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Old 31 May 2020, 17:04   #4
Country: UK - England
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The kit you will need will vary according to your ambition and location. At one extreme, you can potter about on the river with little or no kit; at the other, a trip off shore will require extensive safety kit.

You will need:
  • The boat, the outboard, the fuel tank, and more than enough fuel for the planned trip.
  • Oars or paddles because one day, the outboard will fail.
  • An anchor, with a short length of chain and a decent length of rope. Not only is this good for stopping to picnic, but one day the outboard will fail and you will want to avoid drifting while you sort it out.
  • Spark plug spanner.
  • Pump. The tubes will go down a bit when the boat is put in the cold water, and again if the temperature drops.
  • Baler, if there is any danger of waves breaking over the boat, or heavy rain.
  • A painter (rope at the bow) for mooring.
  • Windproof/warm clothing. It is colder on the water than on land.
  • Sun cream. The sun reflects back off the water, increasing your exposure.
  • Drinking water.
  • Food for energy and morale when you're cold and tired. Ginger nut biscuits are the food of champions.
  • Mobile phone.
  • Dry bag or similar for car keys, wallet, etc.

After that, you need to accumulate kit at the rate that you develop your skills and your ambitions. For a day poddling on the river or scooting about the bay, the above is enough. For longer expeditions, travelling further afield, and more challenging conditions, the list will grow.
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Old 31 May 2020, 17:45   #5
Country: USA
Town: North Carolina
Boat name: Need to decide lol
Make: Saturn
Length: 3m +
Engine: Yamaha 6hp
Join Date: May 2020
Posts: 5
Great thank you so much for sharing that information! Much appreciated
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