23 August 2015, 11:23
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What Engine & SIB
Hi there,
Sorry if this has been asked but I'm a bit new owning an inflatable boat.
Basically I am looking to purchase a inflatable to cruise around the sea (in good weather) close to shore to do a bit of fishing.
I am pretty safety cautious as I will be taking my son out who is 12.
What I would appreciate is advice on what size HP engine I need to just get out and around 100-200m safely.
Also any advice on if I should get one brand new or get a second hand one for obviously a lot less.
I will be using it mainly off the coast in Hastings area.
Any advice would be much appreciated.
23 August 2015, 11:24
Country: UK - England
Length: under 3m
Join Date: Aug 2015
Posts: 11
Sorry also what type of boat do people recommend.
23 August 2015, 12:15
RIBnet admin team
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You asked (on the other thread) about 2.7m and a 2.3HP - these are fine for pootling about in sheltered waters on a fine day, but the boat will be VERY small! I know - I have one  I have a 9.8hp on mine and it's dangerously quick. A 2.3hp is not much more than a replacement for oars and will only move you along at slow speeds with the boat deep in the water (not planing) which will result in a very wet and splashy experience as the boat will ship more waves when loaded.
My advice is to read this thread and the daughter threads as well: http://www.rib.net/forum/f50/which-s...tml#post685658
And then browse the Inflatables forum before coming back with more questions
23 August 2015, 12:56
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Wheeler2061
to cruise around the sea (in good weather)
Cruise means different things to different people. One here a cruise will often be referrring to a 120NM adventure at 25knots. I think what you've already described makes it obvious you aren't referring to that kind of distance. But are you referring to pootling along at not much more than walking speeds or are you wanting a bit of excitement and feeling like you are going really fast (you'll probably be only hitting 20kts but it'll feel like doing 50-60mph in a car!)
close to shore to do a bit of fishing.
How close is close. Too close is at least as risk as too far out, certainly if that shore is rocky and the tide and wind are in the "wrong" direction so that an engine failure means you are on the rocks.
What I would appreciate is advice on what size HP engine I need to just get out and around 100-200m safely.
Is that 200m off the shore line? Or 200m depth of water?
Is the 200m from your point of departure or are you thinking leave the slip way motor for 200m and turn right and follow the coastline for 10miles, keeping 200m off the shore line. The distance to a point of safety will be as important as the distance off the shore.
I will be using it mainly off the coast in Hastings area.
Originally Posted by willk
You asked (on the other thread) about 2.7m and a 2.3HP - these are fine for pootling about in sheltered waters on a fine day, but the boat will be VERY small!
I have a 2.3m (basically a tender) with an old seagul that was marketed as 2.5HP but probably gives 1HP. I've had it pretty much at maximum weight and it feels very safe and controlled (what people on here would call SLOW) - but thats for a quickslow pootle round a bay in very nice weather. I agree with Willk that size is an issue - not sure there is much room for fishing.
And then browse the Inflatables forum beforethen come back with more questions
I've modified willks phrase - if you are the picky type who reads too much into the words people use you might think he was saying "don't darken our doors again without having read every post on the site" in reality I think he was probably meaning "read the stickys etc, and use that to generate some specific questions".
You will of course get 40 recommendations from the next 40 ribnetters - most of which will say "I own a XXX boat with a YYY engine. You should buy that"
You may need to think about budget first and then people can suggest how you can achieve what you want with the available budget. Need to state if that budget is for the boat+engine or for everything you might want/need - insurance, launch wheels, storage, fuel tanks, PB2 course, lifejackets, wetsuit/dry suit/wet weather gear, radio, VHF course, PLB, flares, anchor, aux engine, liferaft!, helicopter permanently flying over just in case...
23 August 2015, 13:32
RIBnet admin team
Country: Ireland
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Originally Posted by ShinyShoe
I've modified willks phrase - if you are the picky type who reads too much into the words people use you might think he was saying "don't darken our doors again without having read every post on the site" in reality I think he was probably meaning "read the stickys etc, and use that to generate some specific questions".
Err, thanks Shiny, generally I have to rely on Mrs willk to tell me what I MEANT rather than what I SAID...
23 August 2015, 13:49
Country: UK - England
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OMG - AJ was offering me his Misses Brother to marry, now you are telling me I'm behaving like Mrs Willk... ...I need to urgently do something manly!
23 August 2015, 13:53
RIBnet admin team
Country: Ireland
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Originally Posted by ShinyShoe
Cruise means different things to different people. One here a cruise will often be referrring to a 120NM adventure at 25knots. I think what you've already described makes it obvious you aren't referring to that kind of distance. But are you referring to pootling along at not much more than walking speeds or are you wanting a bit of excitement and feeling like you are going really fast (you'll probably be only hitting 20kts but it'll feel like doing 50-60mph in a car!)
How close is close. Too close is at least as risk as too far out, certainly if that shore is rocky and the tide and wind are in the "wrong" direction so that an engine failure means you are on the rocks.
Is that 200m off the shore line? Or 200m depth of water?
Is the 200m from your point of departure or are you thinking leave the slip way motor for 200m and turn right and follow the coastline for 10miles, keeping 200m off the shore line. The distance to a point of safety will be as important as the distance off the shore.
I will be using it mainly off the coast in Hastings area.
I have a 2.3m (basically a tender) with an old seagul that was marketed as 2.5HP but probably gives 1HP. I've had it pretty much at maximum weight and it feels very safe and controlled (what people on here would call SLOW) - but thats for a quickslow pootle round a bay in very nice weather. I agree with Willk that size is an issue - not sure there is much room for fishing.
I've modified willks phrase - if you are the picky type who reads too much into the words people use you might think he was saying "don't darken our doors again without having read every post on the site" in reality I think he was probably meaning "read the stickys etc, and use that to generate some specific questions".
You will of course get 40 recommendations from the next 40 ribnetters - most of which will say "I own a XXX boat with a YYY engine. You should buy that"
You may need to think about budget first and then people can suggest how you can achieve what you want with the available budget. Need to state if that budget is for the boat+engine or for everything you might want/need - insurance, launch wheels, storage, fuel tanks, PB2 course, lifejackets, wetsuit/dry suit/wet weather gear, radio, VHF course, PLB, flares, anchor, aux engine, liferaft!, helicopter permanently flying over just in case...
C'mere - have you been let back at the Expresso machine again? Check your pulse, is it racing? Are you fidgeting? 200m depth near Hastings? I don't think he's going that far out! (the Channel Islands) I understand that you're trying to be helpful, but asking him six questions to his one is likely to overwhelm the poor bloke. He's looking for a wee boat - not the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything!
That was an exhaustive reply ShinyShoe and I'm sure it has answered the OPs question and several more that he hadn't even thought of yet. Take care not to expend all your energy today, because you have a busy week coming up!
23 August 2015, 13:58
RIBnet admin team
Country: Ireland
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Originally Posted by ShinyShoe
I need to urgently do something manly!
Women often like the strong, silent types...
23 August 2015, 14:53
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Originally Posted by willk
C'mere - have you been let back at the Expresso machine again?
Can't be doing expresso - can you imagine what happens when I do!
Take care not to expend all your energy today, because you have a busy week coming up!
Really? Do you know something I don't?
23 August 2015, 15:09
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 11
Thanks Shiny Shoe and I'm not the picky type so all advice firmly taken.
Just to explain I'm only looking to go 100m off the shore line and drop a few feathers for Mackeral fishing so no lengthy cruises along the coast required.
I basically just want something that will launch of the beach and has enough power to go against the waves and me not get stranded at see.
I have a budget of about £1500-2000 for boat and engine and will probably look at second hand to get more value for money.
As far as the fishing goes I plan just to 'poodle' out and anchor (won't be going out in rough water) so will only have minimal equipment.
I also have to bear in mind I may be on my own so will have to carry myself.
Thanks again!
Willk- I have looked at that forum and am trying to disect it all! Pretty new to all this so sorry if there are some obvious questions!
23 August 2015, 15:29
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23 August 2015, 15:30
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Originally Posted by Wheeler2061
Just to explain I'm only looking to go 100m off the shore line and drop a few feathers for Mackeral fishing so no lengthy cruises along the coast required.
In that case - I suspect anything would do the job. Bigger will be better and get you out on more days.
I basically just want something that will launch of the beach and has enough power to go against the waves and me not get stranded at see.
Gonna need a local person who knows the sea / launching in your area to comment on that. Someone is bound to be along soon enough...
I have a budget of about £1500-2000 for boat and engine and will probably look at second hand to get more value for money.
You'll certainly get something decent and reliable, if you take your time and buy wisely, for that money.
I also have to bear in mind I may be on my own so will have to carry myself.
You'll almost certainly want to look at launch wheels...
23 August 2015, 16:12
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 11
Ok thanks for taking the time to answer.
I've found a few boats/motors up to £1000 that look pretty good.
One more question, buying of places like Gumtree etc. I've always been a bit dubious because you don't really know why you are getting.
Anyone bought from one of these sites how was the experience?
23 August 2015, 16:30
Country: UK - England
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I launch in Hastings/Rye/St Leonards/Bexhill/Cooden. Read the Which SIB sticky for some thoughts and places to look to buy and recommended outfits but in a nutshell for what you want to do, ie pop it off the beach by the Rock a Nore car park? Then any 3 to 3.5m SIB with a 6hp to 9.8hp 2 stroke will be ideal.
If you're local you'll know it's more often than not a 3/4 south-westerly blowing (except of course this Friday/Saturday yesterday when it was flat calm, blazing hot and windless - two best boating days I've seen all year and could we go out?! Grrrrrr, no...
I would not go to sea with less than that. Stick to airfloor and you can carry it all up and down the beach yourself. Chuck a thick piece of carpet or rubber matting over the airfloor as additional protection.
Whether you buy local free paper/shop window ad/eBay/Gumtree/Prre-loved/Boats and Outboards it makes zero difference. An ad is an ad - you're buying from another person regardless so always inspect the goods at their home, make sure they are the owner, satisfy yourself condition is what you want/need and it all works and simply never part with a penny until you have agreed a deal and are ready to pick up the goods paying cash as you do. Just the same as before the internet. Basically never send any electronic payments.
23 August 2015, 16:33
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - England
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>>> https://www.gumtree.com/p/boats-kaya...ard/1119875599
Re above. You have a budget that will get you something so much more capable (or comfortable to be in with a greater safety margin if you like).
I would say ideally a 3.0-3.5m Zodiac/Honwave air floor with Yamaha 8hp or Tohatsu 9.8hp motor.
Such an outfit in lovely condition should be available for around £1500.
Like others I'd comment beach launching then shore hugging isn't always the safest situation so don't underestimate the usefulness of a slightly larger boat/engine.
Edit: Ahh sort of ditto to Max's post... for good reason... we've both had a variety of SIBs in this size bracket.
23 August 2015, 16:41
Country: UK - England
Town: Sussex
Boat name: Bombard
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Mercury Mariner 15hp
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 3,499
That Honwave's a lovely little outfit for the money - superb value and illustrates perfectly how many of these get bought in a shiny showroom then sold on virtually unused at great loss (and our gain!). I've seen many people fishing in similar off Hastings but another 1/2 metre makes all the difference when the chop's up.
23 August 2015, 17:23
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 11
Thanks Guys
So would a 5HP be ok in people's opinion for close by fishing trips?
Max - I was down there yesterday and two lads had something smaller launching of the arm and they had buckets of fish selling to the restaurants, that's what gave me the idea!!
23 August 2015, 17:32
Country: UK - England
Town: Sussex
Boat name: Bombard
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Mercury Mariner 15hp
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 3,499
Yes, I mean a 2.9/3.1 with 5 or 6hp will be fine but for a few hundred pounds more (and a bit more weight to lug about) a 3.4m and a 9.8 will get you much further and keep you drier and enable more kit/people and better/safer handling in the typical conditions down here - get yourself off on longer trips to Beachy Head, over to Rye etc.
23 August 2015, 17:38
Country: UK - England
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I have found sibs are a bit like motor bikes, it pays to start smallish and build up once you get some experience under your belt, also perhaps a few qualifications, for me the weight of the package is the most important, so I would choose a zodiac and a tohatsu 2 stroke, but for others they may prefer the heavy duty build of a honwave, others of course will want to go fast, getting the idea set up first time I would say is impossible until you get out on the water and start to get a real feel for what you want, so start with a good combo on eBay on where ever, get out on the water, and resell upgrade your package as you go, good luck
23 August 2015, 17:51
Country: UK - England
Town: Sussex
Boat name: Bombard
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Mercury Mariner 15hp
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 3,499
Originally Posted by Mickhitchuk
I have found sibs are a bit like motor bikes, it pays to start smallish and build up once you get some experience under your belt, also perhaps a few qualifications, for me the weight of the package is the most important, so I would choose a zodiac and a tohatsu 2 stroke, but for others they may prefer the heavy duty build of a honwave, others of course will want to go fast, getting the idea set up first time I would say is impossible until you get out on the water and start to get a real feel for what you want, so start with a good combo on eBay on where ever, get out on the water, and resell upgrade your package as you go, good luck
Good points.
James, I'll answer online to the PM as other will have advice. I'd say if that's your budget go for the Honwave, a cracking boat/engine for the money and as you say lots of little boats go out from Hastings with 2.5hp's etc. If you really just want to mackeral fish within 500m (and you'll only be 500m from the RNLI launch anyway  ) then it will be ideal. Just that a bigger/boat engine opens up new possibilities.
But as I said above you will truly benefit from the seller's loss/depreciation and if it's not for you that outfit if looked after will be worth the same money 2 or 3 years down the line. Or if you want to move up then sell it and trade up. That is why so most of us advocate buying big name boat/engine used by a careful owner and you never lose out. Many of us have done this for years and if you buy/sell carefully you end up with a virtually 'free' outfit after a few years.
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