18 June 2008, 20:20
Country: UK - Scotland
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+3 .. but you know what the big chap is like... you can knock for ages and no one is in ... then all of a sudden
18 June 2008, 20:48
Country: UK - England
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+4 Another vote here for a humble sib section on the board
18 June 2008, 22:09
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by BumbleAbout
Aha - the humble bicycle inner tube valve - I have glued one into a hole in a plastic tube so that I can use an LCD car tyre pressure monitor to check the sponson pressures whilst inflating ...
One day I will take some photographs !
Thats a brilliant idea and you will prob get a more accurate reading with the lcd guage,
19 June 2008, 02:49
Country: Australia
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Posts: 61
so............ will there be an official SIB section for the humble SIB owners?
20 June 2008, 12:47
Country: UK - England
Town: yorkshire
Boat name: little vicky
Make: avon ex RNLI
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Posts: 2,310
I found a couple of old photos of a few past sibs with mods i have done ,sorry about the quality as there from the late 70s >i was going bald then <,but might be of intrest to someone,on the orange HUMBER 16 the jocky seat- console was made from aluminium angle and then boxed in with g.r.p sheeting from an old road traffic bollard that got knocked down ,i left one side open for access to fuel tank,the anchor box in front was from a g.r.p.motorcycle top box i could remove the whole lot within 5 mins if needed, the A frame was made from aluminium scaffolding poles from scrap yard and an old fold up deck chair,but the first mk one version was p.v.c sink waste pipe and push fit joints from d.i.y.store, regards mart.
22 June 2008, 20:18
Country: USA
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Make: Saturn 365
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Posts: 66
AndrewOriordan, that is a stellar example of a job well done. I love it. When I came up with an idea for my "command center" I thought I had a good idea but yours is in a whole 'nother league!!! Kudos! Haven't had time to work on mine and after seeing the job you did not so sure i'd post pictures anyway. Lol. Will look hack by comparison but it will be within my skill set so...
25 June 2008, 06:26
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Originally Posted by Lugnut
How about a teaser? What's the general nature of these mods?! 
See this thread http://www.rib.net/forum/showthread....083#post254083 , post #8
08 June 2012, 00:34
Country: Australia
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Posts: 104
Some good idea in this thread, when I get to the interior of my boat I will be using some of these ideas for sure! Thanks.
11 June 2012, 15:22
Country: Other
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Posts: 1
This is what i have made for my boat. very happy with it.
11 June 2012, 15:30
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by ZIZON
This is what i have made for my boat. very happy with it.

Hi & welcome to Ribnet.
I take my hate off to you if you can getaway with having your boat in your front room! 
And nice mod you have done too.
Member of the Ribeye supporters club!!!
Member of Bombard 380 Aerotec club
Member of SR4 club
11 June 2012, 16:40
Country: Other
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Posts: 197
Originally Posted by Nick Hearne
Hi & welcome to Ribnet.
I take my hate off to you if you can getaway with having your boat in your front room! 
And nice mod you have done too. 
The launching wheels are a delicattessen!
27 February 2022, 10:06
Country: UK - England
Town: Plymouth
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Posts: 8
Not sure if this thread is still very active but a few mods I've made. Rubber floor from toolstation and a light bar from an old aluminium scaffold tower.
I like the under seat box idea
27 February 2022, 15:07
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 3,499
Originally Posted by Philelmes
Not sure if this thread is still very active…
[last post ten years ago!]
Holy f’ing thread resurrection Batman!
04 March 2022, 14:26
Country: UK - England
Town: Wyboston, Bedford
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Posts: 82
Originally Posted by Max...
[last post ten years ago!]
Holy f’ing thread resurrection Batman!
Still good reading for a newbie like me though.
Did we ever get that SIB section?
04 March 2022, 14:32
Country: UK - England
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On Scream and Fly the other day, someone resurrected a 21 year old thread I was subscribed to. That certainly made me feel old very old.
And yes, that is where you are.
04 March 2022, 15:42
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - England
Town: Cambridgeshire
Boat name: Nimrod II
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Yam 15 Tohatsu 9.8
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Posts: 9,099
Rob this thread I started when bored in the peak of the pandemic may be of interest. It was further updated with the final mods I made in 2021. The end result you see is... for me... the absolute refinement of a lightweight but very capable daily setup coastal exploring SIB for carrying in the car...
04 March 2022, 16:06
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 82
Originally Posted by Fenlander
Rob this thread I started when bored in the peak of the pandemic may be of interest. It was further updated with the final mods I made in 2021. The end result you see is... for me... the absolute refinement of a lightweight but very capable daily setup coastal exploring SIB for carrying in the car...
Thanks for that some excellent food for thought.
I also like the idea of bolting the O/B to the transom. I remember at school as an army cadet, we went out in a huge rubber boat with a 40hp on the back (helmed by a regular soldier). The engine came loose and fell off the back and went straight to the bottom. One of my mates offered to swim down and retrieve it. (yeah right!). Once the soldier explained that it weighed more than my mate and we were in 120 feet of water he went off the idea!
I will certainly be investing in some dry bags for flares etc. Thanks for the link, I will read it again to take it all in.
05 March 2022, 08:19
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 82
David, I have now had another read of the thread and would note the following ideas I will be adopting myself.
A setup drybag for all of the bits required suitably marked, also a separate drybag for anchor/chain etc.
I loved the Trem bow trolley, but I would also have problems with it being low so I may have a copy fabricated by a friend of mine.
I would also remove the transom wheels so I like the idea of inflatable rollers. I first saw these in one of Donny's video's and had wondered about them. How many do you carry?
I too would carry a boathook. Probably a small telescopic. Very handy.
I have a powerpack, I can't remember offhand the power of it but I know it will run a 12v TV for a couple of days. Do you think this would be ok for plotter/fishfinder rather than the 7AH battery which you carry.
The eyebolt for emergency towing was a great idea.
Loved the Bengar seat cushion which I will be looking into shortly, also the Bengar handles.
A very enjoyable read. I still need to read it again to follow up some of the links contained within!
Many thanks
05 March 2022, 11:50
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - England
Town: Cambridgeshire
Boat name: Nimrod II
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Yam 15 Tohatsu 9.8
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 9,099
Across the forum our differing operational areas and trip types often determine differing setups but pleased there were some ideas in there for your proposed use.
The Trem trolley is a lovely thing but after a few uses I realised near useless at the supplied height unless you were 8yrs old. But with the handle that bit higher it's a real back saver. A coincidental benefit is that as shown below my transom wheels nestle into it nicely so it's just one item to wheel back to car, cottage, caravan etc.
I supplied Oldman2 with some dimensions and being the excellent fabricator he is this result is brilliant...
I resisted the beach rollers for years but in the end The Gurnard made me! One would help and two are fine. Image below.
I've found a 7ah fine for long days with a plotter but if you are camping and out several days you may need more capacity or make sure your outboard has a 12v charging output. I tend to only use equipment meant for a marine environment so personally would not have used a car type powerpack if that's what you mean. Salt spray gets everywhere on a SIB.
In fact it's not mentioned in that thread but seeking lightness and simplicity in this latest setup I've gone to a self-contained Garmin Montana battery GPS with marine charts but no depth sounder... I don't fish and while depth is an aid to navigation a little over the top for a SIB.
It's shown in post #14 onwards in this thread...
Yep the seat cushions are brilliant. So many are thinnish foam that mean you sink right into them and have no real extra comfort. But these are nice and resistant so they never "bottom out". Good too they are available in several sizes to suit your seat dimensions.
05 March 2022, 17:21
Country: UK - England
Town: Wyboston, Bedford
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Join Date: Feb 2022
Posts: 82
I agree, great job by @Oldman2. I will show this to my mate who will be doing the fabricating to give him some ideas.
The Garmin looks good especially with a mount on a second seat as you have, definitely one to consider. I will be having a sounder/fishfinder as well but will probably go for something along the lines of the Humminbird PiranhaMAX 4 DI 4.3. It's entry level but will suit my needs certainly for the first couple of years whilst getting the hang of things.
I will certainly be sourcing the seat cushions and rollers.
My battery pack was designed for inland fishermen on multi day trips, so would probably be unsuitable for proper marine use in a more corrosive environment as you rightly point out, I will see what options I have for alternator power to a battery on the Tohatsu.
Many thanks again for taking the time to give such a detailed and informative response.
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