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Old 19 May 2016, 08:20   #1
Country: UK - England
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What one do I go for

I know it's been asked before but I'm still not sure
Budget about £350 what fish finder do I get and how do you fit it
Is ther an easy way to do this as I'm new to this and never had a fish finder before I like the look of the Lowrance chirp down scanner I think it's the 5
But still not sure any advice would be great I fish off Anglesey so if anyone is ever up that way maybe we can meet up and have a fish
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Old 19 May 2016, 20:56   #2
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On a SIB?

I use a Garmin 45dv with Chrip incl. the transducer it can't have been more than £350...

Neat, tidy, small enough but big enough too... Perfect for what I want. Check the electronics forum, Fenlander has a review of his...

We both have them attached to the seat of our SIB and a small closed cell battery to power it.
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Old 20 May 2016, 05:01   #3
Country: UK - England
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Thank you thought no one was going to help did I post this in the wrong place if so why didn't Someone say
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Old 20 May 2016, 06:52   #4
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Originally Posted by Gilly111 View Post
Thank you thought no one was going to help did I post this in the wrong place if so why didn't Someone say

I think the Mods got the duty rosters mixed up. The bloke who sits staring at his screen all day waiting answer the repeat questions is off & no-one was covering. Drop Willk a pm👍

Sh1t happens
Rule#2: Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level & then beat you with experience.
Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
Rule#4:Don't feed the troll
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Old 20 May 2016, 07:48   #5
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Originally Posted by Gilly111 View Post
Thank you thought no one was going to help did I post this in the wrong place if so why didn't Someone say
My top tip for getting a response would be to select a meaningful subject line. You are looking for fish finders but only explain that deep in the middle of your post.

Not everyone reads every post, so you need a headline that socks in those with the right knowledge who are skimming titles. (on the app you get a preview of about two lines from the latest post too - so use the first two lines wisely to elaborate).

I suspect fewer people think in the silos of the forum sections with the app and new posts functions. You might have got a better response in "electronics" than "inflatables" but either way bear in mind that app users can't easily see your boat type, and are probably unaware of the thread or forum you are posting in, so explaining things like the boat, if it will be left fitted all the time, how it will be powered etc are all going to get you more meaningful responses.

Finally, I think you got a response in about 13hrs, which given that most paid customer service teams would probably be happy with 24 ain't too bad!
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