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Old 01 August 2018, 07:14   #1
Country: UK - England
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Make: Honwave T35ae
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What seat

Hi guys my wife has a bad back but loves coming out on the sib iv a honwave T35 question is can you buy some sort of seat for her to sit on or will I have to adapt one thanks Neil
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Old 01 August 2018, 08:09   #2
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It probably depends a bit on what hurts her back, but in general sib seats (basically a bench) don’t encourage good posture, aren’t comfortable and provide no back support.

The tubes are the obvious place to sit with some cushioning but encourage a twisting of your back. Before suspension seats (which are clearly ridiculous for a T35) people generally preferred jockey seats for protecting backs. The idea being you use your legs to cushion the ride. To get the maximum benefit for that you need a solid handhold at roughly chest height in front of you.

In terms of DIY, improvised solutions potentially providing similar benefits in a sib I wonder if kneeling (on some thick foam for comfort and padding) astride some sort of inflatable sausage in the sort of position used in a Canadian canoe would help.? Not sure if the lifelines would provide useful handholds.?
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Old 01 August 2018, 08:10   #3
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I'm presuming you have the fibreglass bench seat?
Wonder if it would be possible to use one of the type of clamp on seats used by trout anglers? Usually clamped onto a thwart board for trout fishing but I can't see any reason why it couldn't go on the Honwave seat - other than possibly it might put her a bit too high.
This sort of thing:
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Old 01 August 2018, 09:20   #4
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You are lucky with the Honwave T35 that its existing bench is very robust and it has an alloy floor. So the bench would take mods such as adding a seat or you could remove the bench and make up an arrangement that was bolted directly to the floor.

Is it cushioning against shocks she needs... a backrest... side support... or something else?

For example would this bolted to the existing bench do?
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Old 01 August 2018, 11:07   #5
Country: UK - England
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Thanks chaps plenty of food for thought
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