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Old 04 September 2010, 19:23   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: eastbourne
Length: 3m +
Engine: petrol 30HP
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 7
What to Buy


I have a 25hp tohatsu that i am making a 30 !! I have had it for several years but the old zodiac gave up weeks after buying the new engine, i have held onto the engine and now want something to put it on....

Ideally i want to ski/wakeboard/dohnut/ringo behind it so the lightest boat is obviousely going to be the best?

I have been offered a zodiac air deck (4.2 metre) 3 years old but never used, for very sensible money but have no experience of these air decks??

i could buy a quicksilver 380HD with the wood floor instead for slightly more money? but it is warrantied. ( i believe these to be very good)

there is a HonWave rib for sale (air V) on eBay with trailer that i could put my engine onto but have no experience of these are they good or bad?

i like the idea of a SIB as i can carry it down the beach at home on good days, but also take it across europe on a trialer i will built and a teleflex steering system i will fit to it for weeks away (instead of tiller)

could someone who knows more about this or has one or any of the combinations above tell me how they work? how it would perform and perhaps what sort of prop i might need to make it suitable?(note i will use my engine with one of those boards to help it get onto the plane) Im 13.5 stone and would expect it to be able to be skiiable for people my weight?!!

Thanks for your help in advance

t_casselden is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 05 September 2010, 03:38   #2
Country: Australia
Town: Cairns
Boat name: KAHUNAS
Make: Zodiac
Length: under 3m
Engine: 30 Tohatsu
MMSI: wft is a dsc mmsi ?
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 82
Hi Tom,

Im quite a SIB fan myself, and i would definately reccomend the wooden floor. Aside from the wooden floor being more rigid, it gives you a base for securing items such as fuel tanks, and adding foot straps ect, which i have done with a SIB in the past, also using a slightly thicker floor board.

I'm not sure on the lighter boat nessacarily being the better boat, rather that the weight would effect it's preformance given certain conditions.

I currently have the Zodiac 2.85 fastroller, (funnily enough with a 30 Tohatsu) which is the version with a wooden floor and an inflatable keel. I have been in the 2.7 air deck, and i much prefer the hard floor. I know they are both 1m shy or more of the ones you are looking at, but based on the performance of their smaller siblings, should give a good indication of thier performance.

The 380 HD is without doubt a fantastic boat, and has been tried, tested, and proven itself amongst a host of other SIB offerings.

Good luck with your decision, by my vote definately goes to the 38HD. Go with what you allready know is good, and your guaranteed to be happy !!!
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