So, as mentioned in my intro, I am looking at buying my first SIB. Have lived by the coast forever and done some kayaking, sailing and cruising but never had my own boat, all been holidays and friends stuff.
We were looking at a 6-7m trailerable Pilothouse (Jeaneau/Parker/Quicksilver) initially as our first boat but having researched the SIBS they could do a lot of what I would initially do in the hard boat and be a lot easier on the transportation and the wallet until we get some sea miles under our belt
My research and through reading a lot of all your posts on here leads me to a shortlist of the Aerotec/ Honwave Airfloor / or F-Rib but I just wanted to get some pro's and con's from the experiences on here before taking the plunge. My criteria (as far as I know them

) are:
Cost: up to circa £3k (i.e. not brand new) and also will need to purchase basic safety kit etc.
Usage: Close inshore on Kent coast for fishing and then holidays in Dorset and Argyle/Bute (seen to many of Gurnards' videos!!

PoB: max persons on board will be 3, more often 2 up and occasional solo fishing trips.
Size: minimum is 3.2 upto 3.8 probably
O/B: Probably 10hp+, doesn't have to be uber fast but needs to be able to plane
Transportation: Will be in the back of a van/4x4 so transport isn't a problem. Will be launched by hand though (very few slipways in S Kent) so needs to be manageable hence airfloor not solid. Comfortable lifting 45kg (2 bags of sand)

but...... obviously lighter the better
So what else do you need to know?
Sort of questions I have on my mind are:
1. Size - will a 3.2m be a bit small for two of us to travel/fish in comfort? Is it worth going "large" for the bit extra weight?
2. Been a bit put off 2nd hand Honwaves by the problems with the air floor...... never having bought/used one before not sure I would be able to spot a problem one prior to purchase
3. What are the advantages of an aerotec over honwave (they generally seem to be more expensive)
4. Does the F-Rib design allow you to get away with a lighter/smaller engine because it planes better (solid floor)
5. Really dumb one here - do any of you find the lack of any seats with a back on them uncomfortable/tiring after a long session boating?
There you go - tried to cover everything I see asked on the various "which SIB" threads, but bound to have missed something
But if you could pile in with advice/thoughts/ideas that would be great