28 May 2014, 20:28
Country: UK - England
Town: East sussex
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Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 14
Where and how to launch SIB Newhaven / seaford area
Hi all,
Looking at buying my first SIB to get out and do a bit of fishing, just after a bit of advice regarding launching.
I have been looking at zodiacs or honwave type SIBs with a hard deck, which i intend to assemble at the seafront. I want the biggest i can handle on my own.
Is there anyone who launches in this area to give me some tips, cause i like the idea of getting out there fishing but don't really know about launching.
I have seen the launching wheels, which i like the idea of just walking it down the beach and in to the water but how do you launch without being washed back in.
Thanks all
28 May 2014, 20:40
Country: UK - England
Town: Sussex
Boat name: Bombard
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Mercury Mariner 15hp
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 3,499
Hi Gav, welcome. See the sticky on general SIB advice (airfloor vs solid etc) but generally a 15 hp 2 stroke is the most the average bloke can manhandle up a typical East Sussex steep shingly beach. As for the boat with launch wheels my 45 kg airfloor takes two of us to pull up the same beach. A solid floor 3.6 would be 20kg more and beyond us. You'd need a winch or mechanical means or be restricted to slipways which are rare as hens teeth in E Sussex.
There is a huge difference between hauling on smooth concrete compared to steep short pebble or shingle beach banks.
Launching any boat in anything than flat calm water can be tricky and really is much easier with two.
Where are you planning to launch?
28 May 2014, 20:57
Country: UK - England
Town: East sussex
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Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 14
Well i live in peacehaven so i could travel seaford or brighton way, but because i want to assemble at the venue i won't have a trailer. My mate has a small sib that he told me he basically carries it down the beach and throws in, i thought thats cool and then i asked him how big it is and he said no bigger than 6ft! Don't fancy going out to sea on that.
I don't mind having to take a friend with me and it does make sense, i just want to know whats manage able.
I don't want to come ploughing up the beach and ruining it.
I didnt know if anyone launches just up river where it might be a bit easier.
I've always wanted a boat just never wanted the expense of moorings etc so thats why i want to take the SIB route
28 May 2014, 21:23
Country: UK - England
Town: Sussex
Boat name: Bombard
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Mercury Mariner 15hp
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 3,499
Seaford is a great place to launch, park right on the sea road and it's a short length of not too steep beach at high tide.
There's a world of difference between a 6 ft 'toy' and a 12 ft solid floor SIB! Both in weight, manageability and capability.
An airfloor is a lot easier to handle, assemble etc. again see sticky 'which SIB?'.
28 May 2014, 21:34
Country: UK - England
Town: East sussex
Length: no boat
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 14
Ok thanks for you help.
I've been thinking about seaford and also eastbourne as it has good parking and very flat.
12 June 2014, 00:13
Country: UK - England
Town: Berkshire
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Posts: 98
Hi Gav.
For £20 ( I believe it to be the same price, that was the price at the end of August 2013) Andy Pace Tel 07885 792955 (He is based next to Newhaven Marina) just past where the tackle shop used to be located originally, go another hundred yards around the bend and his yard is on the left, very polite and helpful person,
He launched and brought me back in for £20, He has a tractor, The only issue I had really was I could not get launched until 08.30am - 09.00am on the day (slightly tidal I believe) and I had to be back in by 17.00pm due to his yard closing, or i could moor up to his pontoon for a fiver for the night if I remember right, otherwise I would be locked out at sea,
I have an 80 mile tow to get to the coast, so keep an eye out if you are around this Saturday , red Zodiac Futura 4.2mtr
I plan to use Andy this Saturday weather permitting & No last minute jobs turn up,
There is another boat yard next to him, I have forgotten the name of them & what the price was but they were quite expensive to launch compared to Andy Pace,
Hope this helps :-)
12 June 2014, 06:44
Country: UK - England
Town: Sussex
Boat name: Bombard
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Mercury Mariner 15hp
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 3,499
12 June 2014, 08:14
Country: UK - England
Make: zodiac
Length: 3m +
Engine: Tohatsu 9.8hp
Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 101
Originally Posted by shaun2020
Hi Gav.
For £20 ( I believe it to be the same price, that was the price at the end of August 2013) Andy Pace Tel 07885 792955 (He is based next to Newhaven Marina) just past where the tackle shop used to be located originally, go another hundred yards around the bend and his yard is on the left, very polite and helpful person,
He launched and brought me back in for £20, He has a tractor, The only issue I had really was I could not get launched until 08.30am - 09.00am on the day (slightly tidal I believe) and I had to be back in by 17.00pm due to his yard closing, or i could moor up to his pontoon for a fiver for the night if I remember right, otherwise I would be locked out at sea,
I have an 80 mile tow to get to the coast, so keep an eye out if you are around this Saturday , red Zodiac Futura 4.2mtr
I plan to use Andy this Saturday weather permitting & No last minute jobs turn up,
There is another boat yard next to him, I have forgotten the name of them & what the price was but they were quite expensive to launch compared to Andy Pace,
Hope this helps :-)
Simpson Marine next door charge £10 for a SIB if you're launching yourself. Guy in the cafe suggested you may get away without paying but I haven't chanced it yet.
12 June 2014, 15:31
Country: UK - England
Town: South Coast
Make: Quicksilver
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Posts: 142
I am more familiar with options west of Brighton Gav, but I am guessing from your comments you are contemplating single handed sibbing, which may influence people's responses?
12 June 2014, 21:07
Country: UK - England
Town: Berkshire
Make: Zodiac Futura MK II
Length: 4m +
Engine: Mariner 20hp 4 Strok
Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 98
Hi Max, I thought £20 (in total) was quite reasonable, cheaper the better of course, but as you Know we are very limited where we can launch our boats by ourselves around the Brighton / Newhaven areas, any new launch areas always welcome
12 June 2014, 21:09
Country: UK - England
Town: Berkshire
Make: Zodiac Futura MK II
Length: 4m +
Engine: Mariner 20hp 4 Strok
Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 98
Originally Posted by Max...
Originally Posted by gennaro
Simpson Marine next door charge £10 for a SIB if you're launching yourself. Guy in the cafe suggested you may get away without paying but I haven't chanced it yet.
Simpsons Marina, that is them, I know when i telephoned them last August they were more expensive than Andy, is their slipway tidal? steep slip?
12 June 2014, 22:03
Country: UK - England
Town: Sussex
Boat name: Bombard
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Mercury Mariner 15hp
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 3,499
I thought £20 was mad but Simpsons charge £30 daily slipway use!
Simpson Marine / Boat Storage & Slipway
Drop it in off the beach at Seaford for free.
Or maybe drop it in upriver on the Ouse? Not sure where or if possible, not tried this but I think JK might know more?
12 June 2014, 22:31
Country: UK - England
Town: Berkshire
Make: Zodiac Futura MK II
Length: 4m +
Engine: Mariner 20hp 4 Strok
Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 98
Originally Posted by Sunstreaker
I am more familiar with options west of Brighton Gav, but I am guessing from your comments you are contemplating single handed sibbing, which may influence people's responses?
Hi Sunstreaker,
where is options west of Brighton, is that a launch site / slipway?
12 June 2014, 22:50
Country: UK - England
Town: Berkshire
Make: Zodiac Futura MK II
Length: 4m +
Engine: Mariner 20hp 4 Strok
Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 98
Originally Posted by Max...
I thought £20 was mad but Simpsons charge £30 daily slipway use!
Simpson Marine / Boat Storage & Slipway
Drop it in off the beach at Seaford for free.
Or maybe drop it in upriver on the Ouse? Not sure where or if possible, not tried this but I think JK might know more?
I would love to be able to launch of Seaford Beach, I do all my shore fishing next to where the bus shelter used to be, My best was a nice 6.6 oz Sea Bass from there a few years ago and my mate had a 10.5lb Seabass a few hours later,
My boat would be to heavy to wrestle across the shingle beach and my outboard is a 20hp 4 stroke which weighs 52kg, think I would be dead by the time I try and launch and retrieve over the shingle beach,
Saying that near the cliffs I have seen the fishermen launch there heavy boats and there is a rusty old winch which actually works and they used like rollers in front of the boat and the other bloke operated the winch, it didn't take them long to get it back up,
I think you have to be a member of the club, which I don't mind paying an annual fee to use the winch if they would allow me to join their club, i did have a photo of the sign next to it with the phone number etc of the club, sods law I cannot find it, I will maybe pop there on Saturday and take the number down and make some inquiries as I spoke to Andy today and he can get me in the water 09.00am but have to be back in at 17.00pm, I want to launch somewhere I can go out and come back when I want and not restricted to times if possible, I will keep dreaming
12 June 2014, 23:10
Country: UK - England
Town: South Coast
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Posts: 142
It depends Shaun2020 what sort of launch site your looking for. There are a number of slipways in Shoreham, Littlehampton and Chichester harbour, or if your looking for free small boat slipways there are nice ones in Goring and Littlehampton If your looking for launching a small sib or kayak there are also a number of car parks along the coastal stretch or on road parking possibilities. As Max mentioned rivers there are points you can get in on River Adur and Arun. Public slipways, marina's and free launch points. probably get shot down for saying this but problem is its not a very inspiring coastline, so people only get to know the favoured spots but there are probably lots of potential beach launch points away from the crowds.
12 June 2014, 23:35
Country: UK - England
Town: Berkshire
Make: Zodiac Futura MK II
Length: 4m +
Engine: Mariner 20hp 4 Strok
Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 98
Hi Sunstreaker, I only have a 2007 Zafira 1.6, so not the most powerful car on the market and 2 wheel drive can cause problems in muddy conditions etc so would prefer a long concrete slip & not to steep as I don't want to burn my clutch out, I would prefer it not to be tidal if possible and somewhere to be able to park my car and trailer without annoying anyone, do you possible have any post codes of these destinations so I can view on Google maps etc, thats the problem living to far away from the coast, I like to be able to see what is around at low tide then I know whats hidden when it is hide tide if you know what I mean, I have the boat launch app which is alright but a little out of date I believe and not to good for where I want to fish, I did think of Rottingdean as I used to be able to take my car down to the beach (unofficially at night) lol, and fish right next to my car, but not sure if they maybe have a gate or something there now restricting access but then it is a matter of where you park your car or trailer there for the day without it being nicked / towed away, if you could provide postcodes or something similar it would be a great help,
Thanks in advance
13 June 2014, 01:01
Country: UK - England
Town: Berkshire
Make: Zodiac Futura MK II
Length: 4m +
Engine: Mariner 20hp 4 Strok
Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 98
Found the below which may be beneficial to other members
13 June 2014, 06:44
Country: UK - England
Town: Sussex
Boat name: Bombard
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Mercury Mariner 15hp
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 3,499
Hey Shaun, they don't make it easy down this way. There is a slip at Rye to the east and then all the way across to Newhaven in the west, then more Brighton way but in East Sussex it is nothing like further west where there are slips galore. All a PITA and why I have to have a beach launchable boat.
13 June 2014, 07:49
Country: UK - England
Make: zodiac
Length: 3m +
Engine: Tohatsu 9.8hp
Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 101
Originally Posted by shaun2020
Simpsons Marina, that is them, I know when i telephoned them last August they were more expensive than Andy, is their slipway tidal? steep slip?
I've only been either side of HW but I think its +/-3hrs. Its not steep.
I used there as they have the £10 rate for the self launch SIB whereas Andy wanted the full rate from his place.
13 June 2014, 07:58
Country: UK - England
Make: zodiac
Length: 3m +
Engine: Tohatsu 9.8hp
Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 101
Originally Posted by Max...
Hey Shaun, they don't make it easy down this way. There is a slip at Rye to the east and then all the way across to Newhaven in the west, then more Brighton way but in East Sussex it is nothing like further west where there are slips galore. All a PITA and why I have to have a beach launchable boat.
I've used the one at Rye Harbour and they let SIBs use it for free and a tractor launch for trailers. The bottom of the slip gets really muddy from about 3 hours after HW. There's a water connection you can use to hose down though. You can take the car down to set up and then park in the public car park 200 yards away.
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