23 August 2012, 11:21
Country: UK - England
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Where to Launch on the Yorkshire Coast
This question is going to make me sound like a tight so & so but, hey, i am!
I recently bought a 3.2m Sib, fitted it with transon wheels. The rig including engine fits in the car so with the help of a 12v pump i can launch pretty much anywhere i please.
All the the local authorities in the area (Scarborough, Bridlington, Filey & Whitby) want to tap me up £10 just for wheeling my SIB down the slipway which, i think, smacks of a rip off and a typical coucil "screw you! pay me!" attitude. I'm not parking the car on the slip while i inflate, im not using trailers. I'm just wheeling the boat about like a wheelbarrow. I don't mind paying a small fee but £10 for what is less than 5 mins use is just taking the p**s.
I've rung up the Sarborough Harbour authority (which also covers Filey)and they will not budge on any costings (so an 8 metre rib on a twin axle trailer is classed as the same thing as 3.2 metre SIB) while in the same breath claim not to have any knowledge of the local beach bylaws regarding launching an inflatable dinghy!!
Ive looked at the Bylaws for each beach and it doesnt say i cant just roll the boat down the sand but it waffles on about "safe distance" & "no PWC within 200m".
What are the legalities of just pumping the boat up and dragging it down to the water and off i go straight of the bat?
Has anyone got local knowledge to help me?
23 August 2012, 18:21
Country: UK - England
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I don't know about the legalities but there is a small slipway on the West Pier at Whitby. I think there is also a small slipway in Bridlington town centre. Never used them as I normally use the big ones. I think there is also one in the middle of Scarborough.
24 August 2012, 16:19
Country: UK - England
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thanks for the info.
I've been looking at this for weeks now and nobody seems to know the crack.
the ones in Brid and Scarborough are the ones that want to charge a tenner for nothing and Whitby is a nightmare to park at.
I'm just goon launch off the beach and see what happens.
24 August 2012, 18:02
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check out the boatlaunch.co.uk website, theres a map and you can click on the slipway locations and it will fetch up all the info including price and other info..
ive downloaded there waypoints to my garmin gps too...
24 August 2012, 18:18
Country: UK - England
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I think there is access to Whitby Beach sort of midway between Sandsend and Whitby. And parking at Sandsend. Some folk used to launch at Flamborough South Landing.
24 August 2012, 20:08
Country: UK - England
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Redcar slips are free but it is a beach launch and big surf can build in certain conditions also the Rocks or scars go a long way out to sea exposing a few ship wrecks at low water also at low water kelp beds can sometimes clog the prop,, not an issue but annoying .
Don't park your car on or block any slipways especially the lifeboat one best place I would say is the last slip just out of Redcar on the coast rd to Marske and Saltburn leaving the town plenty of parking nearby sometimes get a few jet skiers and the odd fishing boat , if you launch at saltburn watch the large breaking waves at certain tide /wind conditions .
Note if you look at boat launch ,,,the slip at south Gare marine club at Teesmouth 3miles further north stopped day launching to the public years ago .
25 August 2012, 17:09
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Originally Posted by scrowe1976
I'm just goon launch off the beach and see what happens.
Scrowe ...
do let us know how you get on beach launching in Scarborough ...
thats was my idea of how I will launch when I have the boat up here ..
hadnt considered any bleedin' bylaws that says you cant ... 
I've seen hovercraft in and out of the south beach before now!! ... (had thought of getting one myself ... but found out they are crap for anchoring up for a spot of fishing!!)
27 August 2012, 15:41
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: donut
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Posts: 16
After much trawling around and chatting to locals with kayaks it appears that launching at South Landing on Flamborough head is an option. drive down to the beach, pump up the boat then park the car up at the car park for £3 for the day. As long as i don't obstruct the RNLI slipway no worries. Plus its sposed to be well protected from all but a harsh southerly wind. Getting to Bridlington or Filey is easy then plus good fishing! I took a look when i went out on the motorbike on Saturday. there's no room for trailers and such but to roll the dinghy down the beach should be a breeze.
27 August 2012, 16:28
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by scrowe1976
After much trawling around and chatting to locals with kayaks it appears that launching at South Landing on Flamborough head is an option. drive down to the beach, pump up the boat then park the car up at the car park for £3 for the day. As long as i don't obstruct the RNLI slipway no worries. Plus its sposed to be well protected from all but a harsh southerly wind. Getting to Bridlington or Filey is easy then plus good fishing! I took a look when i went out on the motorbike on Saturday. there's no room for trailers and such but to roll the dinghy down the beach should be a breeze.
Dont want to be a kill joy ,,,just some friendly advise ,,if your thinking of launching at south landing then going around into Filey bay ,
make sure that you have plenty of kit onboard ,the sheer cliffs around Flamborough and Bempton make it just about impossible to get ashore in most places should you need to land or beach for any reason .
27 August 2012, 16:32
Country: UK - England
Town: yorkshire
Boat name: little vicky
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Posts: 2,310
sorry duplicate post
29 August 2012, 07:12
Country: UK - England
Town: york
Boat name: donut
Make: quicksilver
Length: 3m +
Engine: 9.9hp yamaha OB
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 16
yeah, all the kit is being amassed as we speak. it still amazes me how much crap is now prudent to carry! for a 4 person boat theres only enough room for me!!
10 September 2012, 18:28
Country: UK - England
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I've had this problem with the east coast.
I've paid and launched from the slip in whitby and parked up near the slip, and like you said its expensive.
I've seen the slip at Sandsend and there's a car park next to it, but you'd need to be early to get a space.
About 10 years ago I went to Filey and managed to park on the front at the far end away from the official slip, inflated my boat on the grass and kitted up to walk down one of the other slips across the beach to launch, when I was stopped by a woman with a walkie talk and told I would need to go pay my launch fee and launch at the official slip. I walked the length of Filey beach with my boat to meet an old man in a wood shed who gave me a list as long as my arm and said "if you haven't got any of these you aren't launching". I didn't have a fire extinguisher, bucket, compass, so I couldn't launch. He told me if I went to Scarborough south bay I could launch there. What's the point of that!
I went to Scarborough kitted up and went all the way to Filey in my zodiac cadet 240 just to make a point. Once there I bombed about the bay waving to the old t...t looking with his binoculars.
If you find any good free slips round Yorkshire, please post!
PS. Cornwall is great for launching for free.
29 January 2017, 21:50
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launching sib
Hi there mate, my parents have a caravan in whitby up near the abby so i travel there alot in summer with my son to go fishing, i used to just fish from the pier but as of recent, ive bought a 1.9 meter inflatable and i was looking for the best place to launch,
I know a couple of good spots you can use,.
fists one is strait off the beach at sands end theres a deadend street and a slip road strait onto the beach where the life guards opperate.
secondly in whitby town where the angling shop is next to the ENDEVOUR pub theres a slip road to the harbour there.
third place which i find the best is just a little further up that same strrt over the road from green street is another slip to the harbour water and its quiet and free parking all around it.
Hope this helps
30 January 2017, 08:00
Country: UK - England
Town: Selby
Boat name: Aerotec 380
Make: Bombard
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Engine: 15Hp Johnson
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Posts: 4
Thanks for that.
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