Originally Posted by Steve509926
Hi HH, how did it go at Ulleswater? Sorry I couldn't make it, I felt Sh1T that weekend so much so I ended up going for a PCR. Negative
You still got your T40?
Hi Steve went well thanks. How did you get on with your outboard engine with the repair??.
As for the boat you will have to wait until next year to see what I have that the magical of been able to choose from all the different types that are available then you know how they preform 🤣🤣
The honwave has heat sealed seems where as the excel is glued the honwave has some good improvements but they have changed some parts that are not very friendly user parts ie they have removed the rope eyes along the top and put in stupid handles but got rid of some of trim plate at the back which has stopped splashing back up to the transom.
The excel is a good boat but has some issues with getting on the plain which I have experienced myself with two boats I have heard from other people that this has also happened but other people have had know problems getting on the plain at all so Honda did have some issues with parts not aligning properly it happened to me with a honwave as well where it was sent back under warranty and replaced so ever manufacturer does get problems now and then depending on who watching quality control at the time