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Old 25 February 2021, 11:21   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: London
Boat name: 154
Make: Avon
Length: 3m +
Engine: Mariner 15c 1980
Join Date: Jul 2020
Posts: 73
zodiac 2.85m 6 piece floor and transom wheels advice sort

Howdy sibbers.!

Ive got a vey nice useful zodiac c/yl 2.85 circa 1989 that i want to revive. the tubes and transom are all good.
ideally would like to just buy a used 6 piece wood foldout floor for the 1990 zodiac 2.85 sib. cant find a floor plan or no detailed pics for it online to make one as to the mm.

Is there an option for an ali floor on these? or inserting an airdeck?

it says max hp 8 on the badge but i have a 34 kg 15 hp mariner old 2 stroke i want to use when its all good. I assume a nice wood deck would be better with this increase hp or would i be mad to up rate beyound the max recommended?

I do have a 5hp too but its long shaft at the mo.

what ideal transom wheels suit this size of sib? just for the usual getting to and from? i guess the wieght will be 40kg boat + 34 kg engine and another 15 - 20 kg fuel and kit. so 100ish kg.

Also in need of 2 clip in rolocks and the dedicated oars as well but i have a set of independent one as a stand by.

any leads or help with this is very welcome.

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Old 08 March 2021, 10:26   #2
lightning's Avatar
Country: UK - England
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Hi there l've got a Zodiac 285s with the six piece floor, if you were going to make a floor you would need the
joiners to hold the floor panels together, also have you got the two aluminium supports (Zodiac call them stringers) that go on each side of the floor? You need those to hold everything in place.

With regards to the engine, the transom is rated to 40kg so the weight is OK, but l would question putting a 15hp on it due to safety issues. l've got a Tohatsu 9.8 on mine and with that l can achieve 20mph one up.

The boat is fine up to about 18mph, above that it loses stability and steering response, which is probably why Zodiac don't recommend above 8hp
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Old 08 March 2021, 12:14   #3
lightning's Avatar
Country: UK - England
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Make: Zodiac
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Engine: Tohatsu 9.8
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 658
And for wheels l would recommend the Beachmaster removable ones, they are quite expensive but superb.

The removable ones are great because you can take them off which means the SIB will roll up as normal and fit in its bag.
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Old 08 March 2021, 14:18   #4
Country: UK - England
Town: London
Boat name: 154
Make: Avon
Length: 3m +
Engine: Mariner 15c 1980
Join Date: Jul 2020
Posts: 73
Thanks Lightning.
The 2 stringers I have are 122 cm long. I don't know if these are intended for this sib as they can with a zodiac 4.2 sport that has nearly bitten the dust.
I would really appreciate any dimentions of the floor sections you have and photo detail of cutoits or corners etc.
If I can't track down the hinge system then I will improvise.

As my 15 hp is 34 kg then I might use it but I'm no speed type and would simply restrict the WOT use. I've a 5 hp to have fun with too.

And then there's the wheels ....
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