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Old 09 October 2014, 15:54   #21
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They're a dead match with the Honwave ones I've just fitted but I had a job pushing them down off the bottom stud so I've had some stainless handles welded on to push them down when I'm in the water.Click image for larger version

Name:	Flywheel 001.jpg
Views:	290
Size:	181.9 KB
ID:	99724

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Name:	023.jpg
Views:	411
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ID:	99725
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Old 16 October 2014, 20:14   #22
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I had a similar problem with a pair on my last quicksilver, the buoyancy of the tyres made it a real sod to get the wheels off the down position, your handle idea would have been ideal

My fix was to remove the valve from the inner tube fill with water, put the valve back in and then pump up to pressure
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Old 11 April 2015, 10:32   #23
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When I posted the initial review of our Zodiac 340 Acti-V I commented the sea state was a bit bumpy so not ideal for assessing all elements of performance... and that was our last decent use until a couple of days ago when we had some easy conditions in the sun off the Essex coast.

Most of the runs were self and light teen daughter pus about 80lbs of fuel and kit. Floor and tube pressures topped up to full pressure by gauge once on the cold water.

Max speed was 19kts on the GPS and it sounded to me like that was around max outboard revs so... not that ultimate speed interests me... I guess when lightly loaded a larger pitch than the standard on my 15hp Mercury could get you greater speed.

This air floor 340 is one of the lightest SIBs I've owned and it does feel very twitchy/lively at 19kts if you are doing anything other than straight line steering. Drop down a little to 15kts cruise and it felt far more stable. It did suffer the onset of light porpoising in the last couple of kts to max but if I was bothered I think moving the almost full 20l fuel tank from the stern to just in front of the seat posn would cure that.

I do remember my Honwave 3.5 alloy floor was far more safe feeling at speed but its weight did blunt performance... however if we were trailering with a 20hp outboard I'd probably prefer one again.... but that's not an option for current use.

For years I've been keen on the standard Zodiac wheels that remove rather than folding up but now I've fitted the Trem folding ones (and then fitted them a second time in the right place!) I'm a bit of a convert as they greatly add to the portability of a smaller lightweight SIB outfit.

Nothing else of note really... apart from the dreadful way those pre 2011 Zodiac air floors hold dirt with their sandpaper like top surface texture. Had to unpack the boat and take it out to scrub clean on the lawn when we arrived home.

So overall this outfit still meets our needs as something we can easily take in the car... fitting in with holiday luggage in the summer as well... and get on the sea with two or three of us plus dog.
Attached Thumbnails
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Name:	Zodiac Mersea 0415.jpg
Views:	864
Size:	122.0 KB
ID:	104361   Click image for larger version

Name:	Zodiac Mersea 2 0415.jpg
Views:	406
Size:	91.7 KB
ID:	104362  
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Old 12 April 2015, 16:12   #24
Country: UK - England
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Nice follow up - the 340's are awesome SIB's - we had so much fun in ours and next to a Aerotec I reckon they are the best all round SIB. Must be lovely with the 15 - ours was pretty quick with the Tohatsu 9.8 as you know.

If only small 2 strokes could have been allowed to continue and be developed I'm sure we'd have a 15 weighing the same as the 9.8 and that would be the ultimate in power vs weight.
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Old 30 January 2019, 14:46   #25
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I super enjoyed your story on boating experience. I have s summer place on a lake wife and I really enjoy. I to have a 340 Zodiac solid. I have a new 3.5 Merc. Just in the process of getting a new 15 hp Merc. Hope I'm doing the right thing just wanted your imput. Did you ever replace your transom drain plug.
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Old 06 January 2021, 15:16   #26
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dismantling the air deck

Originally Posted by Fenlander View Post
Image of HP keel hose...
Hi, thanks for the useful information. I have a late 2019 fastroller 360 active v with a mercury fourstroke 15efi. Sadly I experience lots of ventilation and am trying to address any issues, such as keel position and an adequate prop for this light boat. As to the prop I moved from pitch 9 up to 12. It improved a lot but still ventilates at high revs resulting in over revving the engine that beeps and stalls each time. Now I will try a four blade pitch 11 prop.

The keel looks a bit offset and I tried to take off the airfloor and inflate it out of the boat so that I can adjust the keel hose as suggested.

This may be a stupid question, however I am finding difficulty unhooking the floor from the bottom of the boat. Any suggestions on this please ? as I was afraid of tearing something if I pulled harder
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Old 06 January 2021, 20:37   #27
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Have you seen these threads...



I agree the "buckles" that attach keel to floor and outer floor skin are really tight to fit/remove.... try some washing up liquid.

I'm amazed a 12" pitch prop suits... mostly a 15hp on a 3.6m air floor runs well with a 9" or 10" maximum.... unless of course you are running with almost no load. But the fact you are hitting the rev limited with a 12" indicates it's ventilating badly.

My 2-stroke Mercury/Mariner ran well on a 9" OE prop but I had huge ventilation issues when I tried a Solas 9" which was supposed to be a direct replacement but was hopeless.
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