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Old 17 November 2014, 05:36   #1
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Zodiac acti v HELP keel hose

I recently acquired a new zodiac only used twice but say for a couple years

Solid boat however the high pressure hose that connects from the floor to keel is leaking at the base (where it looks like it screws in) my question is... Is there an o ring in there I can replace also how do I get this hose off without damaging anything? I tried just loosing it with a wrench but couldn't seem to get it to move but also didn't want to apply to much pressure... Anyone have any experience with this and a step by step to replace it? Maybe as simple as just unbolting but I'm unsure and don't wanna wreck anything
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Old 17 November 2014, 16:01   #2
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No problem... it's easy... did mine a couple of months ago.

You just undo the big plastic nut on the top of the fitting and it comes off. The boss in the air floor is metal so if the hose fitting has been over tightened and you worry it might break the plastic hose fitting will go without damage to the metal threads in the floor.

Yes there are upper and lower O-rings but they are fatter than a standard O-ring of the correct diameter so I found it still wouldn't seal even with replacement O-rings from one of those boxes you get full of various sizes.

So I ordered a complete new hose assy from a Zodiac dealer which came with O-rings.

A reason for getting the whole thing was, although not leaking yet, the blue hose had relaxed where it was crimped to the boss outlets and I though it would give trouble before too long. I didn't want to risk replacing with a standard jubilee clip in case it rubbed into the boat floor or fabric.

Also when I looked very carefully I could see the plastic bosses were a little distorted on the O-ring seal surface near where the hose outlet spigots were. This gave the O-rings extra "work" to do in making a seal.
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Old 19 November 2014, 01:20   #3
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The o-ring is a 213 size, 70 duro, Butyl-Nitrile.

However, the problem is probably the plastic banjo fitting. They get brittle and crack with age.

I advise ordering a replacement. MSRP is about $65-75 or so.
Gluing geek since 2007
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