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Old 03 May 2018, 19:37   #1
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Zodiac/Bombard Air Fill Valve Issues

This is the 3rd inflatable I have owned and the 1st Zodiac/Bombard, other two inflatables had a good air fill valve system that locked in while adding air but with the Bombard it does not lock in and blows out while pumping up boat, is there a locking air insert for the Zodiac valve.

As you can see from the 1st pic one insert locks like it did on my older Sibs but the other 2 pics the Bombard insert does not.
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Old 03 May 2018, 20:14   #2
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Usually just a case of getting a better fitting tapered adaptor - I've made some from tubing to fit tightly. Agreed though, a more positive twist lock or threaded system would be preferable.
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Old 03 May 2018, 20:25   #3
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Odd. I have used most of the slight variations in Zodiac valves with taper fit inflator ends from 1972-2014 models and apart from now and again finding a cheap non-zodiac adaptor that was a poor fit they have held in fine with firm hand pressure... even when inflating HP air floors to 800mbar. In fact I have three adaptors at the moment... two genuine and one copy... all fine.

Edit: To be 100% accurate the only time these push fits give me trouble is when I trip over a hose and they pull out.
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Old 03 May 2018, 22:28   #4
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Originally Posted by Fenlander View Post
Odd. I have used most of the slight variations in Zodiac valves with taper fit inflator ends from 1972-2014 models and apart from now and again finding a cheap non-zodiac adaptor that was a poor fit they have held in fine with firm hand pressure... even when inflating HP air floors to 800mbar. In fact I have three adaptors at the moment... two genuine and one copy... all fine.

Edit: To be 100% accurate the only time these push fits give me trouble is when I trip over a hose and they pull out.
Yes if I hold the insert it will stay in but I have a hand pump that requires me to use both hands to pump, the other problem is the Zodiac valve has a push in to hold valve open and push in to close the valve so when it pops out I loose more air than I put in, just wished Zodiac made a better valve like my other 2 inflatables that twist locked in during adding air.

Maybe I will wrap the insert with electric tape to make it hold in better..

Just a poor design from my prospective..
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Old 04 May 2018, 02:23   #5
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Sorry perhaps a poor use of words... they hold well pushed in firmly but I never have to keep holding them.

Is it that your pump hose is a bit short and jerking during pumping so they loosen?

My taper adaptors over the years (apart from a copy or two that were poor) have been tight enough so that when put in firmly (a slight twist as you push seems to help) they were quite hard to pull out if your hands were cold/wet.
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Old 04 May 2018, 02:52   #6
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Originally Posted by Fenlander View Post
Sorry perhaps a poor use of words... they hold well pushed in firmly but I never have to keep holding them.

Is it that your pump hose is a bit short and jerking during pumping so they loosen?

My taper adaptors over the years (apart from a copy or two that were poor) have been tight enough so that when put in firmly (a slight twist as you push seems to help) they were quite hard to pull out if your hands were cold/wet.
Yes the hose can move around while adding air and I make sure it stays put, I don't see no taper on my insert and no matter how hard I push it in it does not stay in hard, falls out with ease, I think my insert is just a bad insert, it came with the foot pump when I bought the boat new so I suspect its a cheap after market from what you mention about your inserts, its time to improve my insert or make a hose like Max did.

Still think Zodiac should have used the twist in type..
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Old 04 May 2018, 07:00   #7
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Mount the adaptor onto something tight (a rod of some sort using tape to get it the right thickness) that you can insert in a drill clamped in a vice and use abrasives/files to gently taper it some more and make sure it can go in 20mm or so - you can get a really tight fit this way and as Fen says once twisted in they should be real tight.

Similar here:
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Old 04 May 2018, 07:23   #8
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I've just looked at the three I can easily find all which grip OK. Measured at each end...

Cheap non-Zodiac in a shiny waxy feeling softer plastic.. 21.4-22.6mm

Zodiac supplied with my Bombard matt finish harder plastic.. 21.5-22.7mm

Supplied with Zodiac (Bravo made) foot pump shiny hard plastic.. 21.9-22.6mm
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Old 22 October 2020, 16:53   #9
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Originally Posted by jackreno View Post
Yes if I hold the insert it will stay in but I have a hand pump that requires me to use both hands to pump, the other problem is the Zodiac valve has a push in to hold valve open and push in to close the valve so when it pops out I loose more air than I put in, just wished Zodiac made a better valve like my other 2 inflatables that twist locked in during adding air.

Maybe I will wrap the insert with electric tape to make it hold in better..

Just a poor design from my prospective..

I got to this thread due to confusion with the valves and I had this advice from a dealer:

"When the valve is closed (up) it is in the correct position for inflation and the air input forces the valve diaphragm off its seat."

So it needs to be closed in the up position apparently to inflate and the air pressure will open the diaphragm - this way you won't lose pressure when you pull the pump out.
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