Zodiac Cadet Alu with air floor
Hey all,
I am quite happy with my Zodiac Cadet Alu 310, but mounting the metal floor really occupies the largest portion of preparing the boat (I don't have a trailer, so inflate and deflate every time). So I was curious to switch to an air floor
I asked my dealer if I can just buy a floor from Cadet Aero 310 and put it there - and they said that it's not possible. By looking at aero videos I guess I can see why - there are different features on the transom to block the air floor in place. I was curious if you know of any other options (DIY or some after market third party floor that can be installed).
Also, generically: do you have experience with these high pressure floors? Are they stable enough to be standing for example (I am using the boat for fishing, was planning to just put some anti-cut cover on the floor)