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Old 07 January 2013, 10:50   #1
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Zodiac GR 2 repairs

Hi all

Please could I get some advice. My GR 2 has an inflatable keel which is beyond repair. It also has damage (cracks) in the rubber ends of the pontoons (see attached as I do not know the name of the part). How do I repair this item? The keel is rather easy as I will get a replacement and glue it correctly . The other repair seems very technical and I would not want to try it if it is a difficult repair.

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Old 07 January 2013, 12:15   #2
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Welcome to the forum.

You need to identify the tube material first. Most leisure Zodiacs from the UK are built using Strongan Duotex (Zodiac's own name for PVC). The commercial ones will be hypalon. You can check the material by removing one of the air valves. If the tube material is the same colour both sides, then it's PVC. this is important - because the 2-part glue and right cleaning solvents need to be used. You can also double-check with a Zodiac dealer if you supply them the details from the transom plate.

The inflatable keel is straight forward and can be purchased direct from a dealer for a MkII GR and glued in place. They tend to fail at the thermal bond end - which cracks if the boat is inflated and deflated, rolled up, etc. The sponson cone ends are a little more difficult, but with the right preparation, gluing conditions and material at hand - then it's well within an amateur skill-level if you're handy from a DIY point of view. The plastic/rubber cone ends have deteriorated - so will need to be replaced completely. A Zodiac dealer should be able to source a part number for you. Looking at the cone end - you'll need to use a hot air gun to remove the old cone ends, thoroughly clean the area, sand and degrease - before gluing the new ones in. In addition, wrap a strip of PVC the entire circumference, half over the rubber/plastic cone and half on the surrounding sponson fabric for solid fix. This would need to be done in two stages, by fixing the cone end first. I'd also add a strip of PVC over the seam - which looks like it's starting to fray.

I've done the same procedure with a MKIIGT, although didn't need new cone ends.

More details here: Advice « Polymarine Paints, Adhesives, Parts & Accessories
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Old 07 January 2013, 12:52   #3
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Hi Spartacus

Thanks for the reply. The SIB is definitely Hypalon as it is a 1981 GR 2. I have the correct two part glue and attempted to fix the keel- could not as it had failed exactly where you stated they fail.

Would I not use Hypalon on the cone ends seeing that the boat is Hypalon (but the cone ends are not!). Also could anyone advise if the keel of a GR 2 is PVC or Hypalon. I live in South Africa where one cannot get Zodiac spares . Could I fit a PVC keel?

Now I need details of how to replace the cone ends in detail

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Old 07 January 2013, 17:59   #4
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Is the boat worth fixing? The tubes look pretty trashed to me, especially with the peeling. I would recommend you think long and hard before dumping any money into it.

If you do decide to fix it you could just make a new keel using the old one as a pattern. I do believe you can buy new cone ends fairly easily.
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Old 07 January 2013, 21:56   #5
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Originally Posted by paul ferraris View Post
Thanks for the reply. The SIB is definitely Hypalon.

Would I not use Hypalon on the cone ends seeing that the boat is Hypalon (but the cone ends are not!). Also could anyone advise if the keel of a GR 2 is PVC or Hypalon. I live in South Africa where one cannot get Zodiac spares. Could I fit a PVC keel?
Yes, if its hypalon, then use hypalon material and 2-part glue.

Here's Zodiac GR MK3 inflatable keels on EBay, not cheap at £150. Zodiac Grand raid | eBay

Contact zodiacmilpro who will be able to confirm exact part number, cost + shipping to SA.

Now I need details of how to replace the cone ends in detail.
See attach new Zodiac GR cone end. The sponson tube material fits over the rubber/plastic cone end during construction. Then the hypalon seam is placed around the circumference to overlap the cone end. It's got to be done in stages. Some more pictures here regards repair.

You need to remove existing cone end, thoroughly remove old glue, sanding off, taking care not to damage what's left of the existing hypalon. You'll need to open the sponson end seam a little to get the new rubber end cone to fit inside. Clean the material with degreaser such as Toulene and allow to dry. Follow glue instructions and mask off area for gluing. Key thing is ambiant temperature and preparation on this type of repair. Once you've glued the cone in position, ensure there is adequate pressure on the repair. One option is to use a small ratchet strap. Ensure there's no excess glue before applying the strap. Leave for at least 24-48 hours to cure.

Use a template and cut the hypalon strip which will act as a seam over the cone end. Exactly the same process. Also tidy up the sponson seam with an additional reinforcing strip of hypalon.

I'd pressure test the boat for 24 hours after you've completed the repair.

More detailed instructions here:

Good luck!
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Old 08 January 2013, 09:28   #6
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Thank you for all the great advice Spartacus!
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Old 08 January 2013, 22:41   #7
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I have found removing the old glue with scuffy pad and chemicals does not remove any noticeable material. Use the coarsest scuffy pad you can find which is grey here in the US.
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Old 09 January 2013, 15:22   #8
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That cone end: Isn't it just a rubber plug? The cracking looks like surface crazing, which will happen with longterm UV exposure. Are you sure it needs to be replaced?

Yeah, it looks sort of ugly, but it would take a lot to actually compromise integrity. And it's a lot of work to replace. So, if it's not necessary...

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Old 18 February 2018, 14:51   #9
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End Cone Repair

I also have a Zodiac GR Mark II with this problem. I want to attempt to fit myself. The hypalon fabric and cone seem to be in good shape.

The one question I have is once the glue is tacky on the fabric and cone, doesn't the tackiness prevent you from inserting the cone all the way and twisting or aligning the cone if required?

By the way in my case I accidentally allowed the current to back me into a piling striking the cone first. It was too much for a 34 year old glue joint.
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Old 18 February 2018, 17:45   #10
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Zodiac GR 2 repairs

I have a Hypalon keel from an older MK2 Grand Raid in great shape if anyone needs one.
Chris Going
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