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Old 10 March 2010, 23:37   #1
Country: USA
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Make: AB Oceanus 15VST
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Posts: 9
Zodiac MK2C Classic HD vs Futura MK2C HD

Hi guys,

I've finally decided to go with bigger inflatable. It's mostly going to be two or three people going fishing or two guys going diving. So far my preference is toward the following two boats:

Zodiac MK2C HD Classic with 20HP Honda Tiller
Zodiac MK2C HD Futura with 20HP Honda Tiller

I choose tiller because it gives me more space to put our diving gears.
Futura is 45lb heavier. This is main concern to be able to launch a boat from launch wheels. It's also more expensive. But if it's safer, I'm probably going to accept these expenses. How it handles chops?

Anybody can share any experience about any of the above boats or both?
I guess Futura is more stable and faster because of speed tubes.

What speed should I expect from both with 20HP Honda and two people onboard?
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Old 11 March 2010, 14:25   #2
Country: USA
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I own a mk2 futura. The speed tubes don't seem to add a lot of bouyancy. They might make it easier to get up onto a plane at low speeds, but it is my impression that the speed tubes are primarily an advantage at higher speeds. Compared to a non speed tube inflatable the boat does handle much better at WOT. I really can't comment on the speed you might attain with a 20hp outboard. I run with a 40 hp three cylinder EPTO set up. Launching with beach wheels should work, but it might be a bit of a chore for two. The total weight isn't too bad (with the outboard off and the boat empty), but the mk2 isn't exactly a small vessel. I would think that it would all depend on the launching surface. Soft sand would make that a tough proposition for two to pull. If you go with a tiller set up be sure to get as much weight forward as possible when stowing your equipment. The mk2's will perform much better if you have good weight distribution. My Futura handles ocean swells and light chop pretty well, but I take a pounding when there are wakes from other vessels. The speed tubes are nice, but they sure aren't the same as a nice v hull for handling churned up waters.

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Old 17 March 2010, 04:43   #3
Country: UK - England
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I'd suffer the extra cost and go with the Futura, mate.

Bigger tubes, the raised prow.....and the speed tubes.

They significantly stiffen up the boat, and the trapped air between them cushions even a pretty heavy landing. Good job too, seeing as there's no suspension in the seats!

The models are an altogether different kettle of fish when it kicks up a bit and it's a fair way back in.

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Old 20 March 2010, 23:57   #4
Country: USA
Town: San Jose
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Make: AB Oceanus 15VST
Length: 4m +
Engine: Etec 60
MMSI: 338102309
Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 9
After about three weeks of thinking and researching I finally decided to go with
Achilles HB 350 DX with 20HP Honda tiller.
I'm picking it up from local dealer next Saturday.
Will post the picture once I have my boat.

I hope I made right choice. What do you folks think?

Originally Posted by Sharkbyte View Post
I'd suffer the extra cost and go with the Futura, mate.

Bigger tubes, the raised prow.....and the speed tubes.

They significantly stiffen up the boat, and the trapped air between them cushions even a pretty heavy landing. Good job too, seeing as there's no suspension in the seats!

The models are an altogether different kettle of fish when it kicks up a bit and it's a fair way back in.

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Old 21 March 2010, 02:34   #5
Country: USA
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Boat name: LSI96 and SG124
Make: Achilles
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Sounds like a fine choice you've made! I am a big fan of Achilles inflatables. My first was a 1982 SR132 (which I regretably sold in 1993 to get an aluminum boat). My second a 2003 LSI96, which I still have, and Monday I take delivery of my third, an SG124 (can't wait!). I've had lots of SIBs over the years, including Zodiac Grand Raid, Zodiac Zoom, RIS, and Yukon, and the Achilles have had the best combination of quality construction and ease of assembly. I'm sure their RIBs are just as good, probably better. Looking forward to your pictures!
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