I told many of you I would do a thread on a transom reglue...
Well, here it is. At least the ungluing part, I will update this thread as I have time, this boat is a low priority for me.
Specifically, the procedure is similar for these models:
Zodiac Classic
Zodiac Touring
Zodiac Futura
Bombard Aerotec
Bombard Commando
In this case, we are working on a ~15 year old Zodiac Futura MK1 Fastroller.
This boat had an interesting history...it was new in the box, never used! However, glue does not get better with age on PVC, especially for one that has been stored poorly for a long period of time (this boat sat at ambient temperatures... exposure to >37C on some days!).
The adhesive is very oxidized and weak, so we will be regluing all glued bonds.
This will be a three step process:
1.) Transom
2.) Floor
3.) Accessories
We will start with the transom, just as the factory did.
Using a heat gun, a metal spatula, and my fingertips, we will lightly unpeel everything.
image1 by
anirich888, on Flickr
image2 by
anirich888, on Flickr
As I'm ungluing, I like to make reference pen marks to show where the pieces were originally located. If the position of the transom is not exact (within 5-10mm), the "grip" of the floor will be affected, which will cause the boat to perform poorly.
image3 by
anirich888, on Flickr
image5 by
anirich888, on Flickr
image6 by
anirich888, on Flickr
Tap the drains out with a heat gun + hammer, flip the boat over, and work on the bottom:
image7 by
anirich888, on Flickr
image8 by
anirich888, on Flickr
image9 by
anirich888, on Flickr
~20 min later, and we're done with disassembly.
image10 by
anirich888, on Flickr
Next steps shall be:
Removing old glue
Pre-cleaning (degreasing to remove plasticizing oils from the surface of the PVC)
Cutting fresh material for the L-strips
Wood priming
Initial assembly