Originally Posted by Burtie14
What’s to stop someone simply hopping in, firing up the outboard, and scooting off?
There are potentially two types of thief who would take your boat:
1. The joy rider, quite possibly young and stupid, drunk or both.
2. The professional thief.
The first can probably be stopped by taking the kill cord, disconnecting the fuel line, leaving the engine in gear, etc. I know some people disconnect an HT lead. All those things make it harder to take than the boat next to it, or make the opportunist anxious about drawing attention to themselves.
It must be possible to fit a lock somehow that would stop it being tilted down (without some tools to cut it off).
As others say the second will have it, or the engine, anyway. If you have transom wheels you might want to hide them to make it harder.
If you are tying up to a pontoon some people do lock their tenders to them. i personally think this is discourteous to the next person who might want to jiggle boats around to squeeze in. Most marina's etc - discourage it. It does stop any drunken idiot just untying your boat and casting it adrift though, which is probably as big a risk in busy areas as it actually being nicked...
Originally Posted by Fenlander
Yes take the kill cord as that slows folks down unless they are ready equipped but in truth a simple few inches of elec wire will substitute most kill cords.
That requires a bit of nous, and probably sobriety which massively reduces the group of people in category 1 above. In reality even a rib with a key is trivial to hot wire.
Originally Posted by Max...
not much you can do except basic precautions and padlocking engine (more to satisfy insurance than any meaningful deterrent).
in broad daylight somewhere with people around (otherwise you've been very unlucky that the 1 person who saw your boat was an experienced thief) a lock
will deter people helping themselves. It won't stop a professional.
Originally Posted by Yabadabadoo
Buy one or two of these Tracker - Rewire TK 102 Nano - RIBnet Forums hide one in the outboard or boat and at lease you can sup a pint watching your boat on the GPS in the place you left it, or (hopefully never) where it's being taken to
I think GPS trackers are a reassuring idea for when you leave a boat unattended for days on end. If I felt the need to track my boat when I had gone for lunch I'd not leave my boat there.