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Old 01 November 2015, 00:02   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: Fulham
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Mercury 25HP
MMSI: 235914577
Join Date: Oct 2015
Posts: 244
About to buy first RIB or SIB

Hello from Fulham, 5 minutes up the road is the Thames. Nearby a short car ride away I can launch a boat. Now owning a property, a flat, I have no drive but a small garden. Can't moor with Chelsea prices. I am going to buy something I can transport in my small Ford Ka. I am on the site to get advice before I embark on my budget journey which will take me to VHF radio exam for marine radio, lifejackets, registering and licensing for the river and insurance. So if anyone has advice, please let me know. Probably a SIB now as I look at it realistically. Hello everyone. What are the implications of me going past Greenwich towards the sea?
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Old 01 November 2015, 12:07   #2
Landlockedpirate's Avatar
Country: UK - England
Town: St Helens
Boat name: Wine Down
Make: Maxum
Length: 8m +
Engine: Inboard
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 934
I know the Thames can look lovely, but below Teddington its a rough place to be. The trip boats kick up some serious wake and combined with the water running at over 5kts, you are going to need a decent sib to enjoy it.

Realistically I would be looking at 3.6m minimum with at least a 15hp engine, although there is a speed limit you are going to need to be able to plane just to make headway against big tides.

Everone has favourites but if you want to fold and carry in the back of a Ka (with seats folded) I would predictably suggest a Aerotec 380, probably the best transportable SIb you can get, combined with a 15hp 2 stroke, it will do the job and just about fit in your Ka.

If you want to tow (not even sure the Ka is type approved ?), go for something bigger, Futra Mk2 or Mk3, Honwave T40 etc.

Lots of options used and can be really good value this time of year. When you find something, ask for specific advice on here, it will help you avoid the usual pitfalls.

I havent already read the 'Which SIB' sticky.
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