Hi chaps, as you can imagine over the last few days I have been everyones favourite tradesmen with the heatwave. Thanks for everyones input I've had a great read and its amazing how much time you guys put into sending a response especially to a newbie like me with some OTT idea haha.
jonp - Is it really that great it oz ? Ive always liked the idea of moving away but Ive heard some horror stories from 2 lads in the trade who left with the grass is greener attitude but they just couldn't settle and found the work very different ? At the moment the wether is phenomenal 36deg
beamishken - I wish I could take a month off but I've trapped myself in a corner with my service contracts I'm pretty much tied into maximum 48hr response times so Im stuck good and proper..
boristhebold - Funny you should mention 250kts one of his posts was actually what lead me onto rib net, I have already sent him an email but with no response so maybe a PM on here might be worth a shot, thanks for the heads up
John Kennett - Hi John, I never expected the top man of rib net would turn up with some advice!
The idea of running the business really appeals to me, from being my own boss going back to working for somebody else is really unattractive the immense satisfaction I have gotten from building a business has been unmatched but the potential of running a marine based business where I could crew a boat would be a huge bonus!
And in the respect of the money Ive got no idea what else id do with it apart from tying it up in property its just sitting there as a cushion, I know I'm very lucky in this situation but I really feel I should be doing something I want.
jonp - haha yarmouth! I wish there was a water taxi about in 2010 when the skipper of our boat failed to hold the tender properly resulting in me taking a dip in the harbour fully clothed
Defiantly maybe worth a look as another venture along side the seafari business, But I really feel I would need a business that I could expand and grow poring my heart and soul into it, water taxis are a necessity and not one I could really grow. Thanks for the reply it defiantly gave me another angle to look at.
Poly - Originally when the thoughts of a business like this spung into my head I wrote it off as a pipe dream and something i was using as an escape while having bad days but more and more I am justifying the idea, I am the biggest critique of myself in this respect.
When I started my current business I started with zero customer base, no reputation, and nothing that made me special on face value, I refused to compete on price instead offering a honest and transparent service treating my customers with the highest levels of customer service and advising the I am not the chepest but I will do a job the levels of quality they expect and I will be reimbursed a fair fee. Also pumping a huge amount of time into face to face marketing and promotion. So far this has worked out very well I have accrued a good amount of business and repeat customers, and I believe I could make an impact in this market with the same attitude, The pun did give me a chuckle
If your interested in starting a A/C business Ive got a nice sportline transporter full of all the tools you need that may be up for sale soon ? A few engineers I know have followed your training path and are doing alright for themselves
Thanks again for all the responses gents, The fact nobody has cut my idea to shreds and written me off is very positive, instead you all have provided great advice and has given more to think about, if you have anymore good or bad comments please fire away