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Old 06 July 2014, 21:43   #1
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Few questions for trip to Pentewan, Cornwall

Hi. I'm relatively new to SIBing and new to this forum so hello!! - have a few questions re my up and coming trip to Pentewan Sands in Cornwall. I have a Seapro (:-/) although so far so good, with 30hp mariner 2 stroke.

1) As using in the sea should the engine be flushed after each use or can I flush it when I get back home (after 7 days) my guess is it's every use and if so does anyone know of the facilities regarding fresh water hose etc (have called them a few times but no one in main office seems to know much about the launch facilities)

2) also wanted to invest in VHF radio with GPS etc but haven't had time to purchase and do course etc - can anyone recommend a decent app for iPhone 5 that's worth using. Not planning on going far but feel I need something.

Any advice would be much appreciated!! Thanks
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Old 06 July 2014, 22:13   #2
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We had many good holidays with our rib at Pentewan realy nice spot
There used to be a hose on the slip for flushing but like most camp sites there are standpipes everywhere so if you take a length of hose & muffs then you should be fine
Personally I'd just give it a good flush on the last day the salt won't crystallise from one day to the next & your engine won't rot out in a week
An excellent spot & I'm sure you'll love it
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Old 07 July 2014, 05:44   #3
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Many thanks BeamishKen. As you say it's a great spot, been there a few times camping but first time with boat - so really looking forward to it.
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Old 07 July 2014, 06:04   #4
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A great app I sometimes use (as well as an onboard plotter) is "MX Mariner". I think it was about a fiver for the app and another fiver for all the charts in the UK. Something like that. Mine is an android phone, so saying that I'm not sure it's available for the iphone. Worth a look though as it really is handy.

I use it more for recording where I go rather than navigating when afloat, but it's very good.

Without stating the obvious, don't depend on it though as phones are not good when they unexpectedly get splashed!
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Old 07 July 2014, 07:33   #5
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VHF with GPS was never going to do what an ap does and an ap will not do what VHF does.

I completely advocate doing the course. When the sh1t hits the Spinny thing it will mean you have the guts to press red. However it is legal to use a VHF in an emergency without the certificate so if you can afford the radio get it. Licence it online (free) and do the course when u get back...

If you wanted the GPS to get ur position I'd question if you are really going to be plotting positions on a chart on a Sib.
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Old 07 July 2014, 11:46   #6
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Thanks for the responses - had a look for the MX app and it doesn't look like they do it for the iPhone. May just take the plunge and by a VHF handheld with GPS just in case. Once again thanks all for some really good advice
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