Greetings and good afternoon from Arizona, U.S.A.
Hello all from the SE corner of Arizona against the borders of both Mexicos ...
New, and, the other one.
This is high desert country 4000 - 5000 feet above sea level. Mountainous, but drivable in a day to lakes, rivers, the Pacific Ocean, Sea of Cortez, a couple of days to the Gulf of Mexico.
I first became a fan of "little rubber boats" over 50 years ago when I enlisted in the Coast Guard and went to Viet Nam. My wife and I have been fortunate to have been able to indulge ourselves and continue the adventures in little boats with our now grown twin son and daughter and (finally!) grandchildren.
I only recently discovered this forum and hope to continue to learn from others and pass along the joy I have had plan to pursue in retirement.