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Old 28 September 2011, 23:39   #1
Country: UK - England
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Hi All, Been sniffing around the back round for a while, taking up all the info and advice and getting nearer the purchase of a SIB.....and got a few questions.

I'm looking for 3m+, but on a very tight budget, would people go for a cheaper SIB or an Older, better known one? I spotted a Zodiac futura on here for <£400 a few weeks ago - but few repairs and showing age (about 10 years), but holding air - Would this be a better buy over a lesser, but newer make? Or is a 10 year old tatty Zodiac likley to fall apart anytime soon?

I already have an engine, 15HP - guess I could always chop this in if I needed bigger

Thanks again for a great advice.
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Old 29 September 2011, 07:38   #2
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Assuming the 15HP is 2 stroke then it is probably just about perfect for sibbing. Swapping it for a heavy 4 stroke (2 strokes no longer available) may be a mistake. Better boat balance and easier to lift on and off the transom etc.

As for the boat - there are 30 yr old hypalon sibs about which are still perfectly servicable, but most people would suggest 10 yrs is about the time when a PVC sib might start to get problematic. But its difficult to say - its depends on where and how it has been stored.
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Old 29 September 2011, 08:10   #3
Country: UK - Scotland
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Make: Zodiac Futura
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I have a Zodiac Futura , its now approaching 12 years old (PVC) its in fantastic condition.

Zodiacs are well built in general ,I know there are problems with the Newer mk2 Futuras which do fall appart It was a glue problem ,and most have started around 4 yrs old.

I have the same one as the one you have seen for sale

Zodiac Futura for SALE

They DO NOTsuffer from the same problems" fall appart" as the MK2 ,and they are made of a higher grade pvc than the cheaper boats and will stand a lot more abuse.

The added advantage Futura have speed tubes , these help it plane and make it a lot smoother ride, the next best thing to a RIB

I do a lot of cruising around the inner hebridies with mine , I would'nt have anything else.

If it is Local to you , Then go and have a look.

If It is "Just a bit rough" , for the money I would bite his hand off !

p.s. 15hp - 2 stroke will work fine.

Hope this helps ..
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Old 29 September 2011, 22:23   #4
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 4
interesting - I went and looked at the very same SIB yesterday and it looked pretty good.
Is there anything specific should look out for with them? issues with the speed tubes or anything like that?

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