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Old 15 August 2023, 22:49   #1
Country: UK - England
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Hello from Bedford

Hi All,

I’ve been looking for a small boat for years, never had the means nor time for a proper shot at it, but a trip to Scotland this summer pushed me over the edge and so I thought it was time to dip my toes into it, so to speak.

Rather than drop my life savings on some fancy RIB before I’ve had a chance to spend any decent time on the water (and for what is essentially for me an excuse to bob around the shores and do a spot of fishing), I’ve bought a small inexpensive SIB which is arriving this week - hopefully a good way to cut my teeth.

Hoping to get it down somewhere like Lulworth Cove in the next few weeks and give it a go on the water (my nearest beach is Hunstanton and the tides are treacherous there, I wouldn’t want to be playing around on those waters).

I’m sure I’ll learn lots from the site and looking forward to lots of useful insights.

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Old 16 August 2023, 07:42   #2
Country: UK - England
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Hi and welcome, what sib & outboard have you gone for?
Have you checked if you can actually launch at Lulworth Cove?
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Old 16 August 2023, 08:23   #3
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Steve509926 View Post
Hi and welcome, what sib & outboard have you gone for?
Have you checked if you can actually launch at Lulworth Cove?
We’ve been to lulworth cove a few times and there is a launching ramp there. Not sure of the cost, it’s very steep and our estate car won’t take a trailer anyway, so I wouldn’t be certain of the practicalities of that slipway - could easily see myself losing control and being dragged down on my bum lol.

But we’ve seen people inflate and launch on the beach itself with little 2.something metre dinghies and inflatable kayaks. My concern would be damaging the SIB inflating it on the rocky beach, but I’m reading through the forum posts on things like dollies, inflation and deflation practises etc.

We got the Tobin Sports one for £580. Seemed like a bargain and as a first time SIB, I didn’t want to risk it on a second-hand warranty-less boat - we don’t have the best luck when it comes to used vehicles!

Not bought an outboard yet - going to see what it’s like in the cove before spending more money, and there’s so much choice and range of costs out there it’s not going to be an instant decision on an engine.

Also factoring in doing an RYA PB2 which I think would be wise before doing any serious coastal cruising.
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Old 16 August 2023, 09:39   #4
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Hi and welcome to the forum.

While the SIB at Lulworth Cove might seem exciting I wonder if this is the right boat/location for starting out. Not been to Lulworth (but previously researched it in detail) with a boat but lots of obstacles... Your Tobin (3.3m?) if considered a "craft' rather than beach toy needs prior permission to launch from the Lulworth Estate. The road to the beach is closed to cars all day in the summer and that steep third of a mile will feel a very long way with a bulky SIB and your kit on some sort of trolley. Certainly much worse than an inflatable kayak or SUP. Also it is so often rammed with folks there not an ideal location to be inflating and setting up with folks stepping all over you.

Then regarding your SIB if you plan to take it without an outboard they are not great to row or paddle and leave you at the mercy of wind and currents as much as the beach toys the RNLI caution against.

Personally I'd keep to the local river for a trial setting up and paddle/row about. Then this year hire one of the SUPs or kayaks at Lulworth. Sort an outboard and other kit over the winter when prices are usually lower meaning your will be ready for the sea next season.

PB2 a very good idea.
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Old 16 August 2023, 10:11   #5
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Mr F has very much nailed what I was thinking when I asked the question.

Maybe 12 years ago, we launched a Old Town canoe at Lulworth Cove. Going down the hill from the car park was bad enough, going back up was a killer! We only did it once, never to be repeated.
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Old 16 August 2023, 11:36   #6
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Fenlander View Post
Hi and welcome to the forum.

While the SIB at Lulworth Cove might seem exciting I wonder if this is the right boat/location for starting out. Not been to Lulworth (but previously researched it in detail) with a boat but lots of obstacles... Your Tobin (3.3m?) if considered a "craft' rather than beach toy needs prior permission to launch from the Lulworth Estate. The road to the beach is closed to cars all day in the summer and that steep third of a mile will feel a very long way with a bulky SIB and your kit on some sort of trolley. Certainly much worse than an inflatable kayak or SUP. Also it is so often rammed with folks there not an ideal location to be inflating and setting up with folks stepping all over you.

Then regarding your SIB if you plan to take it without an outboard they are not great to row or paddle and leave you at the mercy of wind and currents as much as the beach toys the RNLI caution against.

Personally I'd keep to the local river for a trial setting up and paddle/row about. Then this year hire one of the SUPs or kayaks at Lulworth. Sort an outboard and other kit over the winter when prices are usually lower meaning your will be ready for the sea next season.

PB2 a very good idea.
3.3m yes. We hire kayaks most times we head down there and have kayaked the route round to durdle door a few times plus the caves on the way. Although never in a SIB or similar.

Aren’t rivers and inland waters off limits without a £750/year permit from CRT?

Thanks for info re launching permissions, will definitely look at that.

Really appreciate you taking the time for the lengthy reply by the way.
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Old 16 August 2023, 11:53   #7
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Originally Posted by Nstr View Post

Aren’t rivers and inland waters off limits without a £750/year permit from CRT?.

£138 Explorer Licence from the Canal and River Trust for any 31 days use in a year.
Never asked to show or had card stamped in all the years we’ve had a license. Will need it to use manned locks though.
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Old 18 August 2023, 13:50   #8
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I think the yearly licence for the Bedford Ouse is about £100 for 4hp and under on a 3.3... over 4hp it's a staggering £375 or so.

But a daily visitor licence is just £11.

If you were just messing about with oars/paddles with no motor it's less than £50yr and £5 or so a day.
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