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Old 02 March 2017, 10:21   #1
Country: USA
Town: Boston, People's Republic
Boat name: Splash
Make: Achilles
Length: 3m +
Engine: Outboard 15hp
Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 3
Hello from Boston, MA

Greetings from Boston, Massachusetts. Surprised to see that despite signing up in 2014, I've never posted.

Been a competitive sailor for many years and currently own a Melges 24. But always found inflatables tremendously practical and owned a very small Zodiac (8.5'), a 10' Avon, a 12' AB RIB, and currently have an Achilles 11' HPIF with a 6hp Tohatsu 4 stroke and a 15hp Evinrude 2 stroke.

Have three teenage kids. We are walking distance to one of Boston hatbor's yacht clubs so water access is great.

We used to have a 21' center console and the kids really like it. So I've been looking at getting a larger RIB for harbor tours, trips to the harbor islands and environs. Family preferences have made this a little challenging:
  • I prefer RIB's for their excellent performance is seas, low fuel consumption, and ease of visiting or rafting.
  • My wife wants a "party barge" to take her and her friends on low-speed cocktail parties so the more space the better.
  • My 17yo daughter thinks I'm a sell out and wants a cruising sailboat - J/109 works for her.
  • My 15yo daughter wants a Laser to sail and another center console so she and her friends can sun bathe on the forward V.
  • My 14yo son likes sailing and as long as the boat is "fast" doesn't care.

My negotiating position has been substantially strengthened by discovering that my wife's kitchen project is 100% over budget! So I am looking at new and used RibCraft 5.85's and 6.5's. RibCraft USA is just up the coast in Marblehead, MA so that's my focus.

We've also looked at Center consoles 23-26'. Their salespeople claim that RIBs have limited room (true) and depreciate rapidly as the tubes age (specious in this part of the country).

A 22 1/2' Edgewater CC weighs 3,000 lbs naked vs. 1,365 lbs for a (21'6") RibCraft 6.5 so while the difference is less in some cases, you are still pushing around a lot of FRP.
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Old 02 March 2017, 12:23   #2
Country: USA
Town: S. Carolina
Boat name: D560
Make: Avon
Length: 5m +
Engine: 2016 Merc 115hp CT
Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 1,277
Originally Posted by Garandman View Post
Greetings from Boston, Massachusetts. Surprised to see that despite signing up in 2014, I've never posted.

Been a competitive sailor for many years and currently own a Melges 24. But always found inflatables tremendously practical and owned a very small Zodiac (8.5'), a 10' Avon, a 12' AB RIB, and currently have an Achilles 11' HPIF with a 6hp Tohatsu 4 stroke and a 15hp Evinrude 2 stroke.

Have three teenage kids. We are walking distance to one of Boston hatbor's yacht clubs so water access is great.

We used to have a 21' center console and the kids really like it. So I've been looking at getting a larger RIB for harbor tours, trips to the harbor islands and environs. Family preferences have made this a little challenging:
  • I prefer RIB's for their excellent performance is seas, low fuel consumption, and ease of visiting or rafting.
  • My wife wants a "party barge" to take her and her friends on low-speed cocktail parties so the more space the better.
  • My 17yo daughter thinks I'm a sell out and wants a cruising sailboat - J/109 works for her.
  • My 15yo daughter wants a Laser to sail and another center console so she and her friends can sun bathe on the forward V.
  • My 14yo son likes sailing and as long as the boat is "fast" doesn't care.

My negotiating position has been substantially strengthened by discovering that my wife's kitchen project is 100% over budget! So I am looking at new and used RibCraft 5.85's and 6.5's. RibCraft USA is just up the coast in Marblehead, MA so that's my focus.

We've also looked at Center consoles 23-26'. Their salespeople claim that RIBs have limited room (true) and depreciate rapidly as the tubes age (specious in this part of the country).

A 22 1/2' Edgewater CC weighs 3,000 lbs naked vs. 1,365 lbs for a (21'6") RibCraft 6.5 so while the difference is less in some cases, you are still pushing around a lot of FRP.
Be sure to check out Defender over in Connecticut too, their showroom has a lot of RIBs in the 5.5 meter to 6.5 meter range.
Gluing geek since 2007
Opinions and intepretations expressed are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer
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Old 02 March 2017, 14:18   #3
Country: Ireland
Length: no boat
Join Date: Feb 2016
Posts: 315
What about these guys? Freedom Boat Club Boston Massachusetts Boats Freedom Boat Club

I have no idea of cost and I know they're hard boats but you just rock up, collect the boat, return and walk away.
It looked very tempting when I walked by it last summer.
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Old 08 March 2017, 22:31   #4
Country: USA
Town: Boston, People's Republic
Boat name: Splash
Make: Achilles
Length: 3m +
Engine: Outboard 15hp
Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 3
There are lots of "boat clubs" both public and private in Boston Harbor. Community Sailing is the model for most community sailing programs across the country, and there is also Courageous, Piers Park, and two commercial outfits, Boston Harbor Sailing Club, etc.

But we are in Dorchester Bay, and can walk to the yacht club so this works for us.

Just bought a used RibCraft 6.5 with a Yamaha 150.
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Old 10 March 2017, 15:20   #5
Country: USA
Town: Boston, People's Republic
Boat name: Splash
Make: Achilles
Length: 3m +
Engine: Outboard 15hp
Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 3
The victim. Planning to bottom paint and update GPS.
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