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Old 12 July 2021, 20:04   #1
Country: Canada
Join Date: Jul 2021
Posts: 2
Hello from Canada


I have had a Grand 370 with a little 25hp and I just loved the boat, except for a few things, so I sold it and am presently in the market for a new one. I was hoping to get a few opinions on what the best boat for my criteria is. What I would like is a stripped down RIB. I don’t need/want extra seats, cup holders, stereo, or any of that. What I want is as large of a boat with the biggest engine while staying under the 1500lbs mark plus trailer. My old RIB was capable of doing 30mph but that was in almost perfect conditions and it also was a flatter bottom boat which did not soak up the chop nicely. So, basically my question is this, what rib/engine combination would you go with to get the most performance in a package that weighs around 1300-1500lbs and has an aluminum hull.

Thank you for any replies.

Luke, from Canada eh!
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Old 12 July 2021, 21:09   #2
spartacus's Avatar
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Aberdeenshire
Boat name: Sula
Make: Ribcraft 4.8m
Length: 4m +
Engine: Tohatsu 70hp + aux
MMSI: 235087213
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 4,673
Welcome to the forum Luke.

Canada is a big place, are you east coast, west coast or Great Lakes? Don't suppose it makes a huge difference, you have extremes because of the size the country, Atlantic one side, Pacific the other but knowing what you want from it and budget all help. Is this launch and retrieve or are you thinking swinging mooing?

If you're coming from a flat bottom RIB, the one with a deep v hull will handle short chop if that's what you're normally out in?

I know nowt about Canadian market, but this worth a read.
Is that with or without VAT?
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