I am a RIB " addict" and come to you guys as a possible cure.
I Have 2 zodiacs and a Safeboat and will be most glad to share my stories. My favorite is a Hurricane Eclipse of which I can' t get enough. It is my wife's favorite as well. It gets run a lot in the Spanish, US and British Virgin Islands as a chase boat to our larger "aqua camper ".
I will be in the market for a hurricane eclipse of the military type which has an aluminum hull. It is dubbed the FCB220 or H640. I believe a member has one and runs it as part of Canada's Tow Boat business.
I will be selling my 2013 Zodiac Rec-Pro with custom engine bracket and 2 50hp engines as it is the less used boat.
Hope to share experiences with all of you and learn from all those stories you get to share as well.
Safe ribbin'.