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Old 27 August 2019, 03:06   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: Sheffield
Length: 4m +
Join Date: Aug 2019
Posts: 3
Hello from Sheffield

Just wanted to say a quick hello.
I was looking for a new hobby that could get me out more and have always fancied having a small boat. After a lot of poking around the internet it was clear a rib would be right for me.

I have very little experience with boats but I have worked on outboards quite a bit as I'm a Mechanical Engineer and used to get given them to sort out quite often.

I am looking to gather a bit of knowledge and experience before I take the plunge but I'm leaning towards something like the Ribcraft 4.8 at the moment.

Ultimately I would like to use the boat for a spot of fishing but mainly for exploring the coast to camp, and eventually heading over to Europe.

I welcome your knowledge and advice.
Also if there is anyone in the Sheffield area that would like to meet up and let me bend your ear on a few things (boat related of course) there's a few free pints in it for you.
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Old 16 September 2019, 12:32   #2
Country: UK - England
Town: Mansfield
Make: Vallaint v520
Length: 5m +
Engine: outboard etec 75hp
Join Date: Sep 2019
Posts: 1
Hi Trigger

New to Ribbing myself and the forum, ive just purchased a 5.2m Valliant with a 75hp Etec motor which goes really well, i mainly use for pleasure cruising and maybe a bit of fishing when I get round to it.
I launch at Bridlington boat club and plan to explore up and down that coast for a while.

I do have some boating experience and come form a back ground of jet skis, if you get sorted out I would be happy to meet up for some cruising.
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