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Old 09 September 2015, 19:29   #21
Country: UK - England
Town: margate
Make: Avon
Length: 3m +
Engine: outboard 8hp Yamaha
Join Date: Aug 2015
Posts: 11
Originally Posted by Harrys Game View Post
Hi Shamstar, it seems your getting on pretty good which is good news. I can also recommend Darren (hes in Birchington) Removing the bottom leg on the Yam is pretty straight forward and if you have gone to that trouble replace the pump rubber as they are not expensive. Been trying to get my Rib out all year but im just so busy. Regards Jim
Hi Jim,

Not sure about getting on. My carb seal arrived today, which was great and then I couldn't get her started. Priming bulb was rock hard and figured fuel issue. The generic bayonet fuel connector didn't seem to be supplying enough, so removed the flow valve and spring. That got fuel going to the carb and she fired up, but I noticed she was a little sluggish and cutting out when idling. Fuel also dripped from the choke housing when turned off, so I'm thinking float issue within the carb. Will have a look tomorrow making sure float needle is seated correctly. It did just fall out when I was cleaning, so may have gone back in the wrong way around

Good tip on the impeller. I'll definitely change it and any any seals required on the lower unit. Feel for you not having been out all year, that must be hard. You need to put your foot down and get some sea time. Weatherman tells us we still have some sunshine left

All the best
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