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Old 05 August 2017, 07:23   #1
Country: UK - Scotland
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Hello from the Moray Firth

Good Morning all!

Hope this finds people well and as with most people I would like to start by asking some advice. Please let me know if there is a sticky or an extensive thread with these answers in. Mods please feel free to move this message to the appropriate thread - still finding my way around.

I am not new to boating but I have recently been given responsibility for my Dad's 4.2m Zodiac RIB. Being in the armed forces I am currently based in a very handy location to get out and explore the Moray Firth which I intend to take advantage of over the next few years.

My questions being with regards to the paperwork. I am aware of the following types; insurance, SSR, Ships portable radio licence.

The boat is insured under my name. It was bought second hand off a family friend a number of years ago - I do not know if he registered on the SSR. Can you find out by searching for the boats serial number/"VIN"?

Also I have looked at the form for gaining a radio licence. The one thing that strikes me is the name of the boat. Where does this officially come from?

If I decided to call the boat "Kraken" (Not going to do that. Don't worry!) on the radio licence, surely it would need to be registered somewhere officially like the SSR? Maybe I am just too much of a bureaucrat at heart....

In summary what paperwork must I have, should have and could have.

Many thanks in advance for your help!
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Old 05 August 2017, 07:58   #2
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Originally Posted by 5880forre View Post
My questions being with regards to the paperwork. I am aware of the following types; insurance, SSR, Ships portable radio licence.

The boat is insured under my name. It was bought second hand off a family friend a number of years ago - I do not know if he registered on the SSR. Can you find out by searching for the boats serial number/"VIN"?
I think it would be a reasonable presumption that a RIB in Scotland wasn't SSR registered unless it has an SSR on it.

There is no requirement to have an SSR Number for use in the UK. So unless its been abroad it is less likely to have one. I think some inland waters that require registration like Lake Windermere will allow an SSR rather than their own registration scheme.

Also I have looked at the form for gaining a radio licence. The one thing that strikes me is the name of the boat. Where does this officially come from?
You can call it whatever you want. If its SSR registered I think they don't like duplicates. So you might need to officially be "Kraken of Moray" but you'd actually just go by the name Kraken so that you don;t sound a pretentious tw@t.

There isn't even a requirement to have a name. And you could change it weekly if you wanted!

For the VHF - you will get issued a callsign, a MMSI and have your boat name. I'm about to freek your military mind out completely... ...everyone uses the boat name as a "callsign"

So you'd call Aberdeen Coastgaurd like this:

"Aberdeen* Coastguard, Aberdeen Coastguard this is RIB Kraken, RIB Kraken, Over"
(*UK Coastguard is now considered acceptable and possibly even preferred)

They would reply something like "Kraken this is Aberdeen Coastguard, over" (usually dropping the RIB/Yacht etc unless things are getting messy)

Your callsign might be something like W6RO (this is actually Queen Mary II) but while it would be acceptable to call "Aberdeen Coastguard, Aberdeen Coastguard this is Whiskey Six Romeo Oscar, Whiskey Six Romeo Oscar Over"
Its a bl**dy phaff and you are on the water to have fun! It also achieves nothing as the CG have no idea what sort of boat you are without investigating. Nor does anyone else listening in... So say you call to say you are having engine trouble - the small boat 1 mile away doesn't know if you are a supertanker or a RIB. He clearly can't help tow a supertanker, he can a RIB.

But I suspect that is going to mess with your military mind!

In a distress situation it is normal to state your callsign and MMSI once and your boat name three times.

In summary what paperwork must I have, should have and could have.
MUST - NONE if there was no VHF on board.

SHOULD - if there is a VHF - a Ships Radio Licence (Free from OfCom). In theory you should have a Radio Operator Certificate (via RYA) - no-one ever checks - and it IS legal in an emergency to operate a VHF without it.

Insurance - 3rd party. Not a legal requirement, but if you hit my boat you may regret not having it.

COULD - SSR - probably only helpful if you want to go to an inland water that requires registration and accepts it, or you are leaving UK territorial waters which is going to mean a long tow from Moray.

If you don't have experience in powerboats an RYA PB2 would be good.
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Old 05 August 2017, 08:01   #3
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The other time SSR sometimes gets used for small craft is if there is a mortgage involved. I'd guess not on a 4.2m Zodiac.
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Old 05 August 2017, 08:39   #4
Country: UK - Scotland
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Shinyshoe, many thanks for a quick and speedy response!

Kraken of Moray has actually grown on me since you mention it....

Thanks for the guidance on SSR vs VHF names. I'm aware of the VHF operators course, I'm trying to get it all free through work which will be nice.

I'll do some investigation for the likely local inland water ways (Loch Ness etc) and see whether SSR would replace local registration.

Again many thanks for your help, I will probably pop up in the respective forums when I have more questions!
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Old 05 August 2017, 08:58   #5
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Originally Posted by 5880forre View Post
Kraken of Moray has actually grown on me since you mention it....
You'll do well here
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Old 05 August 2017, 09:02   #6
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Originally Posted by ShinyShoe View Post
"Aberdeen* Coastguard, Aberdeen Coastguard this is RIB Kraken, RIB Kraken, Over"
(*UK Coastguard is now considered acceptable and possibly even preferred)

They would reply something like "Kraken this is Aberdeen Coastguard, over" (usually dropping the RIB/Yacht etc unless things are getting messy)
No, they will drop the "RIB" out of "RIB Kraken" because they are not pretentious WAFIs and someone they know might be listening...
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Old 05 August 2017, 11:17   #7
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Originally Posted by 5880forre View Post
Shinyshoe, many thanks for a quick and speedy response!

Kraken of Moray has actually grown on me since you mention it....

Thanks for the guidance on SSR vs VHF names. I'm aware of the VHF operators course, I'm trying to get it all free through work which will be nice.

I'll do some investigation for the likely local inland water ways (Loch Ness etc) and see whether SSR would replace local registration.

Again many thanks for your help, I will probably pop up in the respective forums when I have more questions!

You don't need to register for L Ness. Shiney is confusing you by mentioning registration, SSR and inland water etc. In very simple terms if you are not taking the boat outside the UK forget about the SSR.
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