Just thought I would introduce myself after lurking for a while. I got my 1st SIB at 11 years old (A Zodiac ZED31 and 4hp Yamaha

) and have had boats every since.
I currently have a small sportscruiser and have used Ribs and Sibs as tenders over the years. My list includes Zodiac 310 Rib, Futura Sport, 260Sd. Also had a few other makes including Honda 3.2 Air Rib, Suzuki 230 Air deck, Waveline 270 Air Deck etc. I think I may have a boat problem, is there such a thing as Boats Anon
The reason for joining is because I fancy a small Rib or Sib for using on the days when I havent got the time or crew to take the cruiser out.