Hello folks, just a quick introduction,I'm John Macleod 45yrs auld, I live in the far North East of Scotland, a mere 20 miles from John O'Groats, Occupation, I'm a Rig Safety & Training Co-ordinator on the Shell Brent Alpha Oil Platform, I am a keen Scuba diver and have only recently purchaced my much loved Osprey Viper 525 with a 90hp Mariner which I bought to support my diving, I believe it to be a 1997 model which is in pretty good strip for the age of it, I didn't like the name it came with which was Krusty Krab, something to do with Sponge Bob and Square Pants apparently

, anyway didnt like it so named it after an old flame, "Dirty Cow"

yeah I'm serious, didn't tell the wife that like
So, seen a lot of interesting input on here and will no doubt be making frequent visits, if anyone needs any information on the area I live in for ribbing, feel free to drop me a line.