Hi ya’ll I’m a rookie

I’m thinking about getting my father in laws 1993 Cherokee 4800 retubed and back in the salt chuck, I’ve called three places and was quoted minimum 7,000$. It would be worth it, but I have money tied up in my double eagle that’s podded with a newer 90 Yamaha, and just bought 2 ocean kayaks about a month ago. And have a 17ft whaler hull I’ve been wanting to put a motor on aswell. I hear these cherokees are sweet, and would like to cut out the b.c. Ferry and use a Cherokee to go around Quadra Island.
I’m on Vancouver island but would even haul the boat to California if it would be cheaper to retube it, I think hypalon is the only way to go, I was quoted only a 1,000$ more a hypalon set.