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Old 30 October 2012, 08:52   #21
Country: Thailand
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Boat name: Neptune's Chariot
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Hi Chris... Yes I was since advised to "feather" the throttle in waves... as to the fluctuations in speed though ???

From now on I'm a very very fair weather sailor dont worry haha I quickly learnt a lot of valuable lessons that day.

it didnt feel though if the throttle wasn't fully open we would have not gone anywhere ..
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Old 30 October 2012, 09:33   #22
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Originally Posted by Wesley
I soon noticed once the waves picked up a bit that the boat kept slowing down even if the throttle was fully open the boat would suddenly slow down and even in one case to an almost complete halt and the engine cut out (my friend and I had a sudden white look on our faces) but luckily the engine started again on first attempt, but as it would slow down it would then for some reason pick up speed as normal again, then a minute later, without any adjustment to the throttle, slow right down, I played around with adjusting the tilt of the engine and it some cases it seemed to make a difference but others not at all..
Sounds to me as though you might have a temperamental engine or an intermittent fuel problem that only shows when the boat is going up and down waves. There's no way the effect of the waves should cause it to cut out.

Sorry for the thread drift Great selection of photos btw - brave and mad all at the same time.
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Old 30 October 2012, 09:49   #23
Country: Thailand
Town: Phuket
Boat name: Neptune's Chariot
Make: Thai Hong
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Engine: Yam Out F20hp Petrol
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Posts: 22
hmm Interesting... but I would have thought in this case you would hear the engine labor or cough and lose power, in my case the engine didnt slow down (the noise of the engine was consistent) it was the physical speed and would last for a while like someone was behind the boat holding onto a rope and slowing the boat down keeping it from moving forward if that makes sense. As if the engine was working over time just to keep us moving at 1 knot but then picking up speed again suddenly at which point I would close the throttle a bit to reduce the speed and the boat would come to an almost stand still so I'd open the throttle again but the boat wouldnt pick up uch speed at all... and kept going like this until we got back to calmer water then it was fine again.. ??

But I will check the fuel lines etc thanks for the advise
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Old 30 October 2012, 10:02   #24
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Just to really throw the cat in amongst the pigeons and seeing from your pictures that you have helmed such a variety of boats and engines in various sea states would you share with us your thoughts on your favourite hulls & engines also any equipment you found did not perform as expected when it came to use in extreme conditions. ?
Chris Stevens

Born fiddler
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Old 30 October 2012, 13:37   #25
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Hi Chris,
that's a tough question and I could spend all day answering it so here's a very brief outline. In my opinion there's no such thing as a multi purpose boat that works well in all situations. However my favorite choice of boats to drive in a direct action situation would be the 6m Avon sea rider and Halmatic Arctic 22. Best fitted out so the centre of gravity is low as possible and powered by the maximum allowed two stroke generated horsepower for the hull.
I tend to like boats which are difficult to break or have had all of their fittings smashed or broken off and replaced by hardier ones, homespun or aftermarket heavy duty.
My favorite ever boat was an old aluminium "task force" boat (featured in my album here) Most other people hated it because it seemed to have a mind of its own when driven in any kind of rough sea state. Not to mention being very ugly having been finished off with orange plastic barrels instead of an inflatable sponson. The barrels in my opinion outperformed inflatable sponson. They were quickly and easily replaced or fixed and it didn't make much difference if they were holed anyway.
Jet boats I find very useful when working in areas where props tend to get fouled such as fishing nets or for driving over ropes, barriers and booms. Ocean dynamics make some of the better jet boats I've driven.

Originally Posted by Chris View Post


Just to really throw the cat in amongst the pigeons and seeing from your pictures that you have helmed such a variety of boats and engines in various sea states would you share with us your thoughts on your favourite hulls & engines also any equipment you found did not perform as expected when it came to use in extreme conditions. ?
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Old 31 October 2012, 02:20   #26
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Sea Rider 8.4

Hi Al

about 12 years ago greenpeace were trialling an Avon 8.4 with a big Cat in it superb boat I think vey big central and heavy engine therefore a perfect central pivot poimt and a Jet boat to boot. Any idea why they binned it
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
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Old 31 October 2012, 09:02   #27
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Hi Al

What the hell happened to the Avon 5.4 "at rest"?!
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Old 31 October 2012, 09:34   #28
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Originally Posted by Al Baker View Post
...and powered by the maximum allowed two stroke generated horsepower for the hull.
theres a certain irony in that coming from an environmental organisation isn't there!
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Old 31 October 2012, 10:59   #29
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Originally Posted by Rogue Wave View Post
Hi Al

about 12 years ago greenpeace were trialling an Avon 8.4 with a big Cat in it superb boat I think vey big central and heavy engine therefore a perfect central pivot poimt and a Jet boat to boot. Any idea why they binned it

Hi Rogue Wave,
after all the trialling it was decided to go for 2 ocean Dynamic boats instead.
"The Billy G" pictured below was purchased for the US office and the "ocean witness" for the UK office.

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Old 31 October 2012, 11:08   #30
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Originally Posted by Poly View Post
theres a certain irony in that coming from an environmental organisation isn't there!
A very good question Poly and something I often grapple with.
We do run boats on Biodiesel (not a solution either by the way) and also under sail, however sometimes you just need to be able to get in and out of somewhere very fast. For that sort of work I prefer petrol 2 stroke. That is of course until something better comes along......hopefully if we all push together to make that happen then it'll be sooner rather than later.
I have experimented with using sailing dinghies in action by the way and found the cols regs come in very handy. We also use canoes when possible too.
:-) cheers, Al
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Old 31 October 2012, 11:30   #31
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Originally Posted by CornishAvon View Post
Hi Al

What the hell happened to the Avon 5.4 "at rest"?!
All I know is that she was swamped due to a ripped sponson in foul weather and abandoned after running aground on a sandbank. There's probably quite a bit more to the story than that as she was a very well loved boat and would have been fought for tooth and nail no doubt.
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