Hi - New to the forum and already with a problem

I have a Zodiac Ribster 400 from the year 2000. I can see theres a lot of posts relating to more or less similar problem but just wanted to get your opinion as this boat perhaps is a bit different than your normal rib.
It seems that when i put the boat in the water it takes in a fair amount of water. Iīm thinking it might come from the drain in the rear. Under the boat theres a pewny looking rubber flap that i suppose is meant to close when the hull fills with water - and when the boat is moving you can remove a - what do you call it - a .. is it called a plug?? in the "floor" of the boat and thereby drain the water out of the boat. Still its pretty annoying that the boat is taking in water as soon as it is not moving. Was wondering if any of you have any experience with this ribster type?
I will try to check the drain it self and change the seal. If that doesn't work what is next?