Originally Posted by Fenlander
Hello Tony and welcome to the forum.
I am very familiar with the sea and estuary areas near you but less so with inland waters. The outfit you have bought is really not suitable for the sea but at the correct state of the tide you could drop it in at St Osyth and troll down to the slip/pontoon area at Brightlingsea. I would not go further than that though.
However ideally I'd be searching quiet rivers in your area. Maybe the Stour? You will need to register and buy a licence for your boat to use it on many rivers.
Regarding training I'm not sure what you seek as it is all biased to getting out to sea not river use. If you wished to receive this training with a boat upgrade in mind then you are in the right area as this is available at several Brightlingsea outfits such as the Park & Ride or Colne Yacht club. Also they are very helpful in the Harbour office.
Similarly on inland rivers your current outfit is suited to there really is no specific kit needed.
Near enough what I was about to write, Essex Marie Training are you best option for training locally.
The other place to explore would be The Walton Backwaters on a calm day with due regard for the tides and relive your Arther Ransom adventures.
Just don’t try a make a rehash of “We Never Meant To Go To Sea”!