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Old 09 September 2020, 20:31   #1
Country: UK - England
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Highfield Classic 380


After lurking for years I have finally bought a small riblet and joined the forums.

Hoping to get out soon to try my highfield classic 380 and 30hp Tohatsu. Just bought it this month @1 year old, unmarked, with 10hours use on an trailer. 3.5k all in- I invite comments on this; does it seem a fair price.?

Also, could anyone advise which transon wheels can be fitted that will not foul either the OB or the tubes.... and will this leave space for an aux?

Heading up to Argyll for sea trials next week!
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Old 09 September 2020, 21:36   #2
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But you bought it. Too late to tell you not to.

Transom wheels? Why?

3.8m with an Aux will be hard. 3.8m with aux and wheels?
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Old 09 September 2020, 21:45   #3
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Welcome to the forum... that combo should make a nice outfit.

I'd agree going to be hard to find room for an aux and transom wheels... and even if they fitted somehow an aux plus a 30hp will make it hard to transom wheel about on anything other than perfect surfaces.

Sort of agree with SS about price... it's yours now so no matter... just get it in the water and enjoy. But roughly speaking the OB alone should be most of what you paid so you've paid loads less that buying it all new.
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Old 09 September 2020, 21:46   #4
Country: UK - England
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Just want to know if possible,thats all.

Want the wheels beach launch.... no slipways here in Lincolnshire

Paid 3.5k
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Old 09 September 2020, 21:50   #5
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That Tohatsu weighs over 70kg and its weight on the transom will press any normal transom wheel tyres into a beach and make it hard work to move.... add an aux and it will be a bit of a devil to hand launch and recover.
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Old 09 September 2020, 22:00   #6
Country: UK - England
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The transom wheels are my priority, to facilitate beach launch and recovery

Can anyone recommend which ones will suit this boat?

Appreciate comments re aux... it would only be small so could easily be bolted on after launch... plany to do some multi day trips west coast scotland and feel an aux would be wise... my dad has an 2.8 I could borrow.
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Old 09 September 2020, 22:03   #7
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Bomtertins View Post
The transom wheels are my priority, to facilitate beach launch and recovery

Can anyone recommend which ones will suit this boat?

Appreciate comments re aux... it would only be small so could easily be bolted on after launch... plany to do some multi day trips west coast scotland and feel an aux would be wise... my dad has an 2.8 I could borrow.
Although I have yet to ask him.
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Old 09 September 2020, 22:39   #8
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Not feeling the transom wheels desire at all.

There are slipways in Lincolnshire.

As others have said transom wheels are hard and small.. on softish sand they will dig in and be hard to pull. Certainly as hard as your trailer. There are some chunkier transom wheels. But definitely no space for an aux if hinging them up. And I'd take some convincing that they are the right thing here.

Transom wheels are good for SIBs where there is no trailer.

Aux. I'd be doubtful you'd even get one on and be able to turn both engines. There are some skinny small OBs out there.. a 2hp will maybe get you to a place of safety, it isn't getting you home. There are numerous posts on aux's. Various thoughts etc. My only other thought is - engine with 10hrs fails. What's the chances the 1000hrs, virtually unused engine will also not be working?

Price - doubt you will make a loss...
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Old 10 September 2020, 06:30   #9
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Highfield 380 is a 25hp max, recommended 20hp.
Depending on your load I'd be tempted to sell the 30 and stick a 20 (43kg) on there and that will be doable with transom wheels.
Or as already been suggested just use the slipway.
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Old 10 September 2020, 08:08   #10
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just looked max 30hp beem 1.73m gurnard fitted an aux on his similar beem but it is a 3.5hp mariner around 7 inches wide with a two stroke 25hp mariner again a slim engine but you wont get wheels on as well unless you have the ones that come off altogether and you can set them up in the correct position. you would need balloon wheres to get half a chance of going over sand.
look up the grey gurnard fit out showing the aux engine
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Old 11 September 2020, 11:14   #11
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That’s a great rig you’ve got there. It was a bargain at the £4000 asking price, so £3500 an absolute steal at less than half new cost.

As others have suggested, too heavy a rig for transom wheels with a 70kg motor really. However, if you’re determined I’d be looking at something like these badboys from Russia.

Very strong, very long adjustable legs, large fixing brackets and removable if required when underway. Only come with small dia wheels so would need to swap them out for larger. Say something like these 16” puncture proof ones;

The legs are a copy of Seamax Marine wheels and extend long enough to roll straight on or off most road trailers.

Of course whether you can physically pull the boat to launch will all be dependant on slope, terrain and how many bodies are available. Trailer launching is just so effortless.
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Old 11 September 2020, 15:37   #12
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Old 11 September 2020, 18:40   #13
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Too heavy? Y'all need to hit the gym. Once I put transom wheels on my boat I never dipped the trailer ever again. No wiring issues, no rust, no wheel bearing issues, not dipping the trailer is a plus. My boat weighed 500lbs (226kg) ready to go into the water. Took two people over beaches, but with a remote controlled electric winch on the trailer I could launch and recover solo on launch ramps aka slip ways.

I would recommend only using Wheeleez tires or tyres if you spell it funny A 42cm tire should make it smooth rolling.

The legs might be able to be purchased but can be fabricated just as easily as buying a set then having to modify them.

Cramming transom wheels, who knows what else, plus a kicker is going to be a tight squeeze. For me I figured out the best way was to keep the kicker over the port tube on a sliding bracket. Then if needed, remove the port side transom wheel and slide the kicker over. Well fortunately I never needed the kicker, but it is reassuring to know I always had a second engine.

This was the first test using a steel bracket. Once it lived on the boat, I bagged the engine power head in a heavy duty contractors bag to keep it dry, and tied the back of the leg up to the port side axle of the transom wheel. Everything rode solidly through rough waters.

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Old 12 September 2020, 11:11   #14
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Originally Posted by Peter_C View Post
No wiring issues, no rust, no wheel bearing issues, not dipping the trailer is a plus.
He’ll be Ok - it will be british trailer with a removable lighting board so no wiring issues ;-). It’s almost certainly galvanised so rust will not be a real issue for years, the recent regulations around trailers here mean only people doing a half decent job can make it work financially - no more things made from a caravan chassis or some old scaffold poles welded together!

You are right though if he wants to use transom wheels then some giant balloon things like yours would be the way to go. That said on 98% of surfaces where you can use them successfully with two people you will be able to handball a trailer with a decent jockey wheel even if you don’t want to take the car.

Given the choice between transom wheels and an aux for the west coast of Scotland I’d go for the aux. That said, I don’t take an aux - I have oars, two good anchors, and a decent vhf mounted as high as I can get it!
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