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Old 08 January 2019, 08:26   #21
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Originally Posted by BassHunterTed View Post
The thing that put me off the 3.8 initially was the stories I've read about floor issues causing cavitation/prop slip. Is this something that I should be worried about?

It's subjective and the subject of much debate.

Maybe there is a kind Sibby on here who is willing to give you a sea trial?
Be sure to compare to a RIB if that is even a possibility for you and I am happy for you to join me in South Devon in a few months for that.

For me it was a realization over about two years that a large SIB was not working well for us. Even cleaning and drying the Sevylor canoe is too much effort when I can be out on the water so easily with the RIB.

Others such as Fenlander intends to get a RIB when he has the trailer storage.

Have you considered a folding RIB? The Gurnard on here has a near perfect setup but apparently even that is not without compromise because a SIB's flexibility make them more comfortable under certain conditions.
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Old 08 January 2019, 08:58   #22
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i can only offer that i dont see why the T38 at 600 mm longer would be an issue if its pumped up properly ive only owned this small one and the floor was as solid as a rock, very easy to set up i carried it about on my shoulder not saying you will manage a T32 OR T38 39kg & 48kg that way but a decent sack trolly will stop a lot of manual handling taking the whole set up near the water pumping up with a rechargeable high pressure pump job done. we all give opinions on what's best for us personally i tried the small rig 3.1 zodiac solid & 15 johnson i found it a pain dragging over the beach & setting up so i trailer and pick my launch spots with a much heavier rig but i have a boat i want and suits my needs.OMO
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Old 08 January 2019, 11:26   #23
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>>>Others such as Fenlander intends to get a RIB when he has the trailer storage.

Yes well nearly. I'm 62 now and wonder if I'll still be smallcraft boating at 72... or older. What I do accept if I'm still boating is lifting the OB and setting up a SIB may be a problem so to keep boating I may be forced to trailer something. A trailer wouldn't be an option yet as we don't have room until at home daughter leaves adding a car space for us.

But overall for our current interests I'd only go to a trailer boat if forced by circumstance such as above. I absolutely love the flexibility a SIB gives us. At the moment all the kit inc SIB and OB are stored in the garage on a footprint hardly larger than the lawn mower. When traveling to the coast I like having everything within the car from the perspective of cruising speed, handling, fuel consumption and security. We can transom wheel launch or pull out places a trailer couldn't go and even on slipways are advantaged by not needing to join the queue.

Of course I accept a RIB or similar hull would walk all over our SIB for ability and performance but we don't seek to go outside the comfortable constraints of sibbing so any extra ability is of little advantage.

A really important point for us re the sibbing is that with an air floor SIB and manageable weight OB the setup, takedown and day following cleaning process is never a stress and so worth it to get on the water. Unlike some folks we never begrudge the workload at each end of a SIB outing... but do admit I enjoy the luxury of our holidays where the SIB stays assembled for the whole period.

Re the flex of air floors. It is true the longer you go the greater the potential for this and also different OB and loading combinations make it near impossible to predict how much or if this might happen to you. Also if it does happen it irritates some folks but others shrug it off.

Not sure if you are aware but the 3.8m Bombard Aerotec I have is the only air floor SIB never to suffer this effect but they are not ideal for fishing with their deep V floor inside that runs right to the transom, also quite narrow inside and very expensive both new/used.

The Frib LimeCC mentions is easy to set up and ideal for carrying folded in a van. They go very well for any given OB power with their easy to plane flattish GRP hulls so for example you might find a 9.9hp on a 3.3m Frib would be as quick as a 15hp on a normal SIB. Have you seen The Gurnard's expedition videos? He has a Frib under 3m just for him and his kit, that planes easily with a 6hp and makes 15kts I think.

Downside with the Fribs is price. You are looking new and a 3.3m is around £2700 compared to the 3.2m Honwave at £920. You could save around £350 of that by having a 9.9hp over a 15hp and the Frib could have transom wheels costing £100 less (Honwave air floors need special expensive wheels) but still leaves the outfit net cost £1330 more. You really need to believe in the Frib atributes for your own use to pay that much extra.
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Old 08 January 2019, 11:52   #24
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Originally Posted by Fenlander View Post
You really need to believe in the Frib atributes for your own use to pay that much extra.

Great advice as always Fenlander. Interesting cost breakdown.

Taking into account resale values, better quality and performance this is the way I would go. And I would buy nearly-new letting someone else take that initial hit. Again it's personal choice.
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Old 08 January 2019, 14:20   #25
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Originally Posted by Limecc View Post
Great advice as always Fenlander. Interesting cost breakdown.

Taking into account resale values, better quality and performance this is the way I would go. And I would buy nearly-new letting someone else take that initial hit. Again it's personal choice.
but your talking in a different ball park the OP was asking SIB & OB his budget has to go up dramatically for what you're suggesting.
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Old 08 January 2019, 16:02   #26
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Some great advice guys, much appreciated. As much as I'd like to splash out on a f-rib the funds just aren't there for it but maybe in a couple of years who knows. As for trailoring, I do have space for something bigger and if I was going to go in that direction I'd just get a fibreglass or alloy hulled boat, but it would not be possible for me to launch and recover on my own so for now a trailered boat is out of the question.
I've got no probs with lugging a bit of weight around and have got 4 concrete slipways with parking close by to use so a sib with launching wheels will be about as easy as it gets.
Regarding the workload of cleaning, I plan to flush the engine after each outing no matter what. Would I be neglecting the boat if I were to give it a good clean every couple of weeks based on using it maybe 4 times a week?
And yes, I've seen the price of the honwave air floor compatible transom wheels, they're mental money for what they are but unfortunately for me I couldn't use one without them.
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Old 08 January 2019, 16:04   #27
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Originally Posted by jeffstevens763@g View Post
but your talking in a different ball park the OP was asking SIB & OB his budget has to go up dramatically for what you're suggesting.
But if someone is willing to buy a Frib nearly-new with smaller but equally performing engine then not really. Or else go for a T38/20hp then the increase is ok.

I am the perfect example of one who thought he knew what he wanted and in the end it cost me about a grand which could have gone toward the current boat.

Made the same mistake a few years ago buying me and mrs limecc crap mountain bikes which were also from new. Coincidentally they come from the same part of the world as many budget SIBS.
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Old 08 January 2019, 16:25   #28
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All I would say re cleaning is it's an air floor bits of grit etc in the corners need to be got rid of asap. I get a lot of crap in mine that's why I go Ali floor but that's just me and mines a permanent set be honest a 3.8 and 15 hp motor on wheels launched from a slip is as good as it gets in terms of getting on the water and out to fish as you do and a pretty capable set up IMO

Just as an a side look up Donny Wilcox on YouTube his channel has lots of outings with SIBS of different kinds I'm sure there's honwave 3.2/3.8 on them worth a look in any case
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