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Old 14 September 2014, 21:06   #1
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Looking to buy!

I do not yet own a RIB but I am looking to buy one, but was hoping for some honest advice as to which is the best one to get.
We are a large family so would like it able to hold say 8-12 people but for storing restrictions it can be no longer than 5.8 metres. We want to be able to nip up over from Mudeford to the Isle of White. I am told it should be category b for this.... But not all boats disclose their rating. In particular the Highfield OM540. I am not sure how important all this is?
As someone else said to go over the Solent safely (in case weather turns) it would need to 7 meters plus. So I am confused any help and advice would be much appreciated.
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Old 14 September 2014, 21:23   #2
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Originally Posted by CarlB View Post
I do not yet own a RIB but I am looking to buy one, but was hoping for some honest advice as to which is the best one to get.
We are a large family so would like it able to hold say 8-12 people but for storing restrictions it can be no longer than 5.8 metres. We want to be able to nip up over from Mudeford to the Isle of White. I am told it should be category b for this.... But not all boats disclose their rating. In particular the Highfield OM540. I am not sure how important all this is?
As someone else said to go over the Solent safely (in case weather turns) it would need to 7 meters plus. So I am confused any help and advice would be much appreciated.
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First things first-you need at least a 6.5m boat with 200+hp before you're going to be safely carrying that many people and managing to plane. It's pretty much non-negotiable. If you can't store bigger than 5.8m, then you won't get everyone aboard safely and it's likely to be a massive disappointment.

Cat B or C is unimportant if you've got a 6.5m boat. A lot are cat C simply because it costs loads more to certify cat B.

Ideally you need a 7m+ boat-but not because of the weather, just because you need proper seats for that number of people and to be able to take a big enough motor to plane with getting on for a tonne of people aboard.
For a good example, my 7.8m will carry a max of 8, uprateable to 10 persons with safe seating.
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Old 14 September 2014, 22:21   #3
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Thank you Nos4r2
I hear what you saying, we have 7 in our direct family kids range from 7 - 15 in age. So not 8 adults.
What would you say to this one which is 5.5 metre and cat b rated.
And it claims to take up to 10 people.
I think it is expensive but want to see if I can achieve what I want?
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Old 14 September 2014, 22:48   #4
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It won't take 10 people safely unless you're just going to the Priory from Mudeford. There's only realistically safe seating for 7 aboard that unless you're never going over displacement speeds and 115hp isn't enough either.
You need a proper seat per person-preferably behind the helmsman- if you want to run to the IOW-or even if you want to plane safely.

Again, cat B or C is really unimportant-for example a 5.4m Avon Searider (which is far more seaworthy than a 5.5m Ribeye) is only a cat C. Don't get hung up on categories.

Best advice I can give you is assemble your family and go try some boats out.
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Old 15 September 2014, 07:51   #5
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See if you can go to the Boat show - you can then try our loads. Some will take you for a quick spin. You will be able to see the size, layout, seating etc and have a chat to loads of manufactures.

I think you will really need a proper seat for each person for any trip thats more than 20-30 mins.
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Old 15 September 2014, 08:38   #6
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I think the 5.5m Ribeye would be a great boat for you IF you have to stick to the 5.8m, I have a 6m and would say if you can stretch the extra 20cm it will be worth it as the extra room will be a big bonus
as the 5.5 has the same seating as the 6m which is quite tight for the lay out as it is. they do manage to fit in a lot in to the size of rib they are!

As to sea keeping they are for there size very good and have a nice raised bow so you are much less likely to stuff it than a Sea Rider and will be drier too!
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Old 15 September 2014, 10:58   #7
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I think your going to find it difficult to meet all those requirements for size of boat, as your based in mudeford I would suggest popping down the road to cobra ribs and take a look at the cobra 7.5M, plenty around on second hand market. Have a chat to steve or josh, or visit them and other manufacturers at the southampton boat show.
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Old 18 September 2014, 00:02   #8
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Thanks for help I will try to get to the boat show this weekend.
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Old 18 September 2014, 10:10   #9
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The seat to the front of the Console is not suitable to carry persons in if at speed. I believe it is called a suicide seat. I let you figure that one out. so dont be tempted to include it in your seating arrangements

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