Hi there all at Ribnet,
I thought i would say hello as our new boat already has had a few mentions on previous Ribnet forums!
My Hubby and I are the proud new owners of
Nauti Buoy.
We sea trialed her on Wednesday morning, fell in love there and then and bought her home on Wednesday afternoon.
Its was a fab day and took us 35 minutes from Guernsey to Alderney, On Saturday we took the family for a spin to Port Diellette in France, again taking only 30 minutes! and reached 47knots... Blooming terrific
We have previously owned Rodmans, the 800 the 1040 and my favourite the 1250ips, But deceided to down size and to have a bit of fun

hope to keep you updated on our new baby! and look forward to being a part of the Ribnet community!..x