Hi All
Just a quick post to say hello to introduce myself to the forum.
I'm Gary from Bangor, County Down, N.Ireland.
This is my first boat (F-RIB 430 with Suzuki 15HP 4 Stroke and an ORCA 2.5HP Auxiliary (from Boatworld).
I have been using this setup for a year now on the beautiful Lough Neagh and hopefully will build up enough confidence to venture out to sea which is literally on my doorstep! I probably need to source some sort of Anchor and a PLB before I would even attempt it.(Any advice on this would be great)!
I have been taking inspiration from Donny Wilcox (Youtube) who has been zipping round all Western Scotland and would love to make similar journeys around the North Irish Coast.
I’m looking forward to speaking with all you knowledgeable RIB owners.
