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Old 05 July 2017, 17:38   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: Staplehurst
Boat name: Rib
Make: Humber
Length: 5m +
Engine: Outboard
Join Date: May 2017
Posts: 4
New member wanting to learn

Hello. Whilst being a newbie I have had ribs before but they were kept on my sailing yacht. To be honest I had the most fun with the Rib when I arrived at whoever it was I was going. Example: exploring the Dart after arriving in my yacht was more fun than getting there. Finally the cost of keeping a 15 mtr yacht in a marina finally broke me sold, with some sadness, I sold it. That didn't last long as within a fortnight I had bought a Brig Navigator 5:7 mtr Rib and it's awesome! Plus I can tow it home and polish, clean and fiddle to my hearts content. This Rib is going to have just as much kit on it as I can fit ( pilot for 40 years so I love things to fiddle with).

But, I need a challenge. I was quite adventurous with the yacht and I really love the mental stimulation of learning so I want to get my commercial ticket. I have a day skipper (yacht) theory and practical, and lots of sea miles under my belt.

So. To enhance the enjoyment of the new Rib I want the challenge of learning.

Can anyone recommend a way that I can learn and build experience, preferably in my own Rib, with an organisation that cares about what they turn out rather than the sausage machine approach?

I am not looking for a career but I want to become the best I can be and I relish the challenge. Like in flying I might even want to become an instructor just to share the knowledge and sheer delight in doing something really well.

Happy to receive all suggestions and recommendations. I am a RYA member. Have been for a long time.

Thanks John aka, Snelly
JSAMSONSNELL is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 05 July 2017, 18:06   #2
Country: UK - England
Town: Retford
Boat name: Spy-sea-one
Make: Excel 435
Length: 4m +
Engine: Suzuki Outboard/25/4
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 7,557
Hello John

You have lots of experience afloat and in the air with that gives you the ability to risk assess IMO the best way is to get out there learn your boat see how far you can push her safely, but you will pack in before she does I might add, weather is the key as you know and best fun is when it's good conditions.
Nothing wrong with further education get the courses under your belt you never know where that will take you.
Enjoy your rib is the first priority.

jeffstevens763@g is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 05 July 2017, 18:51   #3
Country: UK - England
Town: Staplehurst
Boat name: Rib
Make: Humber
Length: 5m +
Engine: Outboard
Join Date: May 2017
Posts: 4
I can't believe just how much fun a Rib is. I used to own a Humber Assault 5 mtr and that was great but the Brig 5:7 is so much better. I am enjoying it and enjoying the freedom a Rib brings. Thanks John
JSAMSONSNELL is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 05 July 2017, 20:34   #4
Country: UK - England
Town: Retford
Boat name: Spy-sea-one
Make: Excel 435
Length: 4m +
Engine: Suzuki Outboard/25/4
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 7,557
You've cracked it John the passion is there enjoy

Cheers jeff
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