Originally Posted by Salona 1
Hi new to this group and interested in any runs in n around north wales , mainly launch from bull bay Anglesey, be good to catch up with some of you , used to be out a few years back on blue thunder and nitrox , are there still rides being organised doing loops of Anglesey or iom ? Attachment 130816
Hey there, welcome.
There are a few of us that boat around that neck of the woods. A few (myself included) launch from Ty Calch, just south of Caernarfon on the Straits, which unfortunately is about as far from you around the island as you can get.

We've not had an officially organised meet up this year but there's still been a fair few trips around Anglesey, and we've been down to Bardsey a couple of times which is a nice run. It tends to be a case of grabbing the weather when it presents itself!
I'd definitely like to try IoM and/or Dublin next season.