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Old 16 July 2011, 16:56   #1
Country: UK - England
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New to ribs What do I buy

Ive finally grown up and got rid of my jetski so I am now looking to buy a rib.
We are a family of 4 and there is always a few friends tagging along so need the rib to be big enough to take 6-8. We are based in Rhosneigr on Anglesey and are looking for something we can use for cruising, fishing wakeboarding and skiing. We will be launching from the beach so using a van so cannot be too big.
I was looking at around 5m long with a 60-80 hp engine. Is this about the right size and are there any models more suited fot our purposes than others.
I am looking to spend around 5-6K
Any advice would be appreciated.

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Old 16 July 2011, 17:05   #2
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depends what you want to do with it. With 8 people on board most 5m ribs will be quite crowded (certainly too much for fishing) and probably would struggle to wake/ski behind a 60 with that many on board (slow to plane). If it needs to carry 8 for a couple of miles in reasonable conditions (so it is ok to sit on the tubes) and then only 2 or 3 whilst mucking about off the beach (having deposited the rest on shore) then the numbers might not be so silly.
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Old 16 July 2011, 17:06   #3
Country: UK - England
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Hi Russ

Welcome to the Rib world. Others will be along to tell you which boats are better than others from their own experience. I try not to put an opinion over either way as a seller it could be taken the wrong way!

I've just taken in a 5.5m Rib which fits your requirements. Good size with wide beam so stable in the water, clean tubes with no patches or leaks. Good roller trailer, 90hp motor just serviced within the last month. Ready to use. Easily capable to carry 5/6 maybe more. Console seat with another bench seat behind it. Radio fitted.

Best bit is its under budget at just £4750 for a quick sale. If it's of interest get in touch and I can forward pictures and even get a video taken showing it on the water at speed.

Location is Plymouth but delivery can be discussed dependant on your location

Peter @ Boatsandoutboards4sale ~ ~ 07930 421007
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Old 17 July 2011, 06:29   #4
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Polwart View Post
depends what you want to do with it. With 8 people on board most 5m ribs will be quite crowded (certainly too much for fishing) and probably would struggle to wake/ski behind a 60 with that many on board (slow to plane). If it needs to carry 8 for a couple of miles in reasonable conditions (so it is ok to sit on the tubes) and then only 2 or 3 whilst mucking about off the beach (having deposited the rest on shore) then the numbers might not be so silly.
I would only carry 6-8 people in calm conditions along to the next beach or so. When fishing etc there would only be 4 of us so I seem to be somewhere in the ball park
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Old 17 July 2011, 06:31   #5
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Boats&Outboards View Post
Hi Russ

Welcome to the Rib world. Others will be along to tell you which boats are better than others from their own experience. I try not to put an opinion over either way as a seller it could be taken the wrong way!

I've just taken in a 5.5m Rib which fits your requirements. Good size with wide beam so stable in the water, clean tubes with no patches or leaks. Good roller trailer, 90hp motor just serviced within the last month. Ready to use. Easily capable to carry 5/6 maybe more. Console seat with another bench seat behind it. Radio fitted.

Best bit is its under budget at just £4750 for a quick sale. If it's of interest get in touch and I can forward pictures and even get a video taken showing it on the water at speed.

Location is Plymouth but delivery can be discussed dependant on your location

Peter @ Boatsandoutboards4sale ~ ~ 07930 421007
Hi Peter
That was quick! I would be interested in a few pictures and details.
Do you know how many hours the engine has on it.

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Old 17 July 2011, 08:16   #6
Country: UK - England
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I don't know it's hours but It's had very little or no use in the last 2 years due to other commitments by the owner, previous to that it was used more often. The motor has just been serviced 26/5/11 to make it ready for use. If you drop me a email I'll reply with pictures and more details, or let me know your email address by PM and I'll do it that way instead.


Peter @ Boatsandoutboards4sale ~ ~ 07930 421007
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