No, but the console, steering column + throttle weight somewhat and that`s just in front of the center of the SIB.
+ the 25ltr fuel tank is in the console (when during the winter the 20hp is converted to electric start there also will a battery in front of the fuel tank).
I was (or am) thinking of making a box in the bow for the anchor and battery but for now that is just in my head.
Also because with the current set up I not really need more weight in the bow.
The speed at the moment is limited to 20km/hr due to the regulations (I do not have a certificate at the moment for faster boating

Alone I can not get it easily in plane from the seat with this limited speed, it only rise the bow, when I come in front of the console it will drop the bow and gets in plane, then I can sit on the seat.
If I am with my son he sits at the seat from the console and then it will planing easily, and when it is planing he can sit next to me.
Off course I tried without the limited power of the engine, then I just can sit in the back seat and the power of the motor will push it in planing mode.
So when I have my certificate the power will be unrestricted and will get about 40km/hr I guess.