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Old 03 August 2024, 01:39   #1
Country: Canada
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Replacing my tube in my Gala A300L

I am new to this forum. (New to forums in general.)
I have a 9 year old Gala A300L RIB (Alum.bottom, ~ 9ft long, 20 hp outboard, steering station.) Used only during summers as a tender for my 35 ft boat. Stored, inflated, under a tarp in the winter.
The seams are beginning to fail.
Some history - After 7 years the PVC begain yellowing and getting sticky. I made a set of Dinghy chaps out of Sunbrella last spring hoping that I could slow the deterioration. I stored the dinghy on the back of my boat with a set of davits, all last summer. No problems.
Stored the dinghy again on the back of my boat this spring. 2 days ago I came to my boat and the dinghy was deflated. The seams at the bow (on top of the tube) had let go. The handles at the bow (also on top) had also begun to come unglued. These handles are not used, they have no stress on them at all.
I considered the possibility that the tube overinflated in the sun, stressing the seams. But that does not explain the degradation of the handles bonded to the top of the tube. If I had to venture a guess, I'd say the the dinghy chaps caused the tube to overheat, particulalry at the top of the tube where it is most exposed to the sun.
And yet, my research on dinghy chaps suggests they are a great solution for protecting a RIB. Keep in mind I'm in Canada, (ie not Florida) the boat is exposed to the sun for about 5 months a year.
My options are to repair the seams, or replace the tube.
I suspect repairing the seams will be fraught with repeated disappointment so I'm leaning towards replacing the tube. I can purchase one, assembled with all the necessary materials.
I would like to do it myself. I am extremely handy, have rebuilt engines, replaced the bottom + chines of my 30ft wooden boat, Recored the deck of my 35 ft fiberglass boat, etc. Am I crazy to do this myself?
I would be very interested in anyones opinion as to:
1) How do PVC tubes typically fail? (seams let go, or the material degrades to the point that it no longer holds air.)
2) Why the seams started to fail
3) Are Dinghly chaps a good idea.
4) Could I glue a new tube onto the boat myself.
(I tried to search for a relevant thread on the forum, but could not find anything.)
Thanks in advance,
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Old 03 August 2024, 06:50   #2
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10 years & then failure for a dinghy out in the elements for most of the season isnt unusual. The uv degrades the material & the glue which starts to fail. That's the yellowing you saw which is the beginning of the end. Once your at that stage it's only a matter of time & a repair is probably not practical.
Firing new tubes isnt particularly difficult but it is time consuming & you need patience. Plenty of u tube videos & makers tutorials online to watch.
We also have an aluminium hull rib as a tender & my plan is when it eventually fails to retube it in hypalon.
Good luck in the process & keep us updated of how you get on.
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Old 03 August 2024, 09:28   #3
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Hi and welcome to the forum.

Ken's said it all really.

I've made repairs to older 100% inflatable boats following glue failure but in limited areas. Once the air holding seams fail and the material itself has gone sticky I'd be looking at calling it a day.

You have the advantage of a hull worth saving and with room to work plus the correct temperature/humidity then add in your existing skills and I think this will go fine.
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Old 03 August 2024, 11:58   #4
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Thank you for validation that this failure is not out of the ordinary. Much appreciated.
The only video I've found so far is . It's helpul, but I could use more perspective than just one video. Could you point me to some others?
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Old 03 August 2024, 12:01   #5
Country: Canada
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Thanks for the encouraging words. I've heard that Temp and Humidity control is important.
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Old 03 August 2024, 18:03   #6
Country: UK - Scotland
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A quick search on YouTube with " rib tube replacement" brings up a few videos but rib fix & XS ribs have videos & henshaws & polymarine & rib shop have repair guides on their own websites. They are all uk based so might be down the list a little in your location. If you have any specific questions post here and someone will answer you.
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