Vintage Avon RIB restoration question and hello!
Hi there RIB people, I have an Avon 310 rr lite from 2005, made in France, hypalon. I've named her Safe Mode and I've restored her in ways that will probably make y'all shudder (cough Flex Seal)
I have been *scouring* the internet trying to find the correct PSI inflation for Safe Mode because I don't want to blow out the tubes after carefully patching each and every leak with the correct hypalon patch and GFlex 2 part epoxy glue.
I have the foot pump, and someone said just keep inflating using that until it won't anymore, but it has a left and right inflation port (and the internet says one inflates a lot more than the other, d'oh), and I've read that just keep inflating until you can't push in with your finger, which seems very...imprecise.
I've also read anywhere from 1.5 to 3.o, and dang that's a big range.
I really want to keep Safe Mode running (she's the dinghy to SC/Reboot, my catamaran), and not have to buy a new hypalon one.